General Discussion

General DiscussionI have some dumb questions:

I have some dumb questions: in General Discussion

    Just to help my game a bit! They're relatively hard to just google
    Sorry they are a bit essayey :o

    1) Stacking Ancients: I usually try and start stacking them as soon as I get a chance but I’ve noticed that often the carry can’t take on stacks until a certain point. So I am thinking maybe they could kill the ancients if it wasn’t stacked so I am actually decreasing their farm…. Should I just rather not stack until I am confident the carry can kill the stacks? Or is it just always good to start stacking early? What time do you reckon in an average game is a good time to stack?

    2) Anti-Mage: I have played a few games with this guy and my first game actually went really well, got 660 last hits & 11k tower damage and basically ratted them big time even though we had a really bad start. But now the next 2 games I lost badly and I will use my last game as an example: So basically they had broodmother and pushed big time, now it was so hard to farm because they had all the map vision etc, I had no battlefury yet and they were just raping us. How do I deal as an anti mage in that situation? A link to the game:

    Also in that same game, pudge was flaming me for not helping him (when I was farming nearby) so I went and helped him the next 2 times and died. In a situation like that should I ignore my team and try and get farm asap or obviously try stop their push even if it means I keep dying? (Maybe I get the gold from kills & assists anyway?)

    3) Also on Anti-Mage what time is a good time to get a battlefury, when a. free farming b. average harassed or c. being terribly harassed in lane

    4) Any other tips to improve my game? I don’t play carry so much but I want to try more, I am a bit scared though because I’ve lost probably like 22 of my last 30 games and my win rate has soared down :(

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Giff me Wingman

      1.) Depends greatly on your lineup and carry. If you have a core naix and a team that is rather crap at teamfight, you should probably think about it first. It isn't mandetory to stack the ancients, it's only optional.

      2.) You don't. AM is a situational pick and doesn't work very well against strong laners with early push. You should never help a teammate just because he is bitching, especially when that teammate is laying an early game hero where you lost early game hard.

      a.) pt, bfury, stout ~12mins
      b.) pt, bfury, pms ~ 14mins
      c.) pt, bfury, pms ~ 18mins

      only estimates from my experience, i don't play that much AM and if i do i don't really take the game srsly. So i might be off with my estimates on the c part.

      4.) Don't play situational heroes, watch your replays, listen to superior people, communication is the way to go. Don't be shit scared about your winrate and mmr.

      that's about it.