General Discussion

General DiscussionWho Is Right?

Who Is Right? in General Discussion

    Here are a series of pictures from my most recent dota match (In Order)

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    I know I didnt do amazing this game but am I completely wrong? They fed the whole early game and said I "farmed too much" even though I didnt even farm that much. I had a really good early game and got BoTS at about 8 minutes but by then they had already started feeding. I did well until the 25-30 minute mark where I started to get frustrated and wasnt concentrating on my game as much and thats when I started to go downhill with them. I would just like someone tell me if I'm wrong or right and explain to me what I did wrong if I was wrong. I run into these kind of people everyday and it is very frustrating.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Mute and get over it


        I did eventually lol

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Nice 3-2-2 score.

          If someone complains about you farming and split-pushing as a PL you should just ignore it and keep farming until you have items to actually fight back (tping in to a fight if you see an easy opportunity to kill should be obvious though, like if they're diving your towers). Some people in lower brackets don't understand it's what some carries need to do. I remember a lot of that when I first started playing pubs, even when playing anti-mage.


            yeah, I kept telling them I was a hard carry but they all reported me anyway


              there is no such thing as farming 2 much

              u either sacrifice farm and 5 man retard russian doto with other retards

              or u afk farm not joining fights until u get core items wiht ocasional pickoffs


                also ur skillbuild is kinda wrong on pl

                u want to keep dopple ganker lvl 1 for as long as possible keep rush as lvl 1

                max nuke and go stats over other shit

                unless u really need dodging ability often then get more lvls into dopple


                  I know, thats what I tried to tell them but they didnt seem to understand what a hard carry was, and they wanted me to fight with BoTs and a diffusial blade


                    Ok, ill keep that in mid next time I play PL


                      obviously you didnt get over it because you are posting this bullshit on the forum


                        dont listen to vaikiss/VAGA, max dopple and rush parallel to each other, dopple over rush imo. Whatever you get from stats is not enough compared to what the 2 skills give you. I go crazy whenever i see EE or someone else do that shit, completely wrong approach, even more so at higher skill levels when the more alternatives you have to outplay the better it is!


                          the customer is always right ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                            Dota Is Pain has hurt my feelings :( Kappa

                            I dont know if benao or vaga is right

                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                              Nobody is right it depends on the game



                                well CDEC took 2nd place in international and agresiff is definetly best pl player in ti

                                and he goes stats even with safelane freefarm


                                  you mean that pl that lost the game going travel? (typical throwers TI5 with PL)

                                  Mighty Fungal Cap

                                    Just normal skill things. All of the players in that game were equally retarded and should have been muted by default, just like all normal skill players.


                                      roflmao benao u make drums on drow

                                      prettysure that explains everything


                                        it gives me what i need, i really need the mana or they escape, i need the tankyness to survive nukes, silence and escape and the mov+att boost is so good!! perfect transition item while still contributing to your team (agi dmg).


                                          lol if u have proper positioning there should be no nukes into u anyway

                                          u already got 60% movement slow on enemy and idk how tanky it should be that u would need drums mana pool to extend that mana pool


                                            lol my drow is good because i do NOT PUuSSY THE FUCK OUT and drums helps for that!


                                              "you win as a team, you lose as a team" - Rtz 2015

                                              Miku Plays

                                                deso drow pls

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  4/1/1/1 then 2 point stats imho.

                                                  depends on the game

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    To clear up the doppelwalk story:
                                                    It depends on the situation, sometimes people like to put a 2nd point in doppelwalk. It really depends on how much you fight, the low cooldown can be worth getting some points in doppelwalk if your team is doing a lot of early teamfight.

                                                    But otherwise it's as every non autistic guy said here, playing PL on stats with 1 point on rush is the way to go. If you need a couple of more points in doppelwalk depends on the game, but usually 1 or 2 points should suffice.


                                                      Magic Wand > points in stats.


                                                        A lot of people when they are losing a game they will always try and find a scapegoat, and sometimes the team will even gang up on a certain scapegoat. You were the scapegoat for their own failures and their lack of knowledge of the game. Congratulations.