General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone give me tips, Leshrac. I know i know...

Can anyone give me tips, Leshrac. I know i know... in General Discussion

    Here are some of the games i have been playing to boost my mmr and i was wondering when i take it to late game i always lose but under 40 minutes and we win, well i kinda carry shitless but anyway can anyone help me yes im a noob before you ask!

    2000 - 2300 mmr skill bracket

    Please check gametime too! that's rather important

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      You can disassemble your Arcane Boots to make the Soul Booster quicker

      King of Low Prio

        buy euls so u can do pick offs during the mid game

        King of Low Prio

          you should be getting a BoTs


            MVP Salza i already do that, thanks anyway.
            King of Low Prio i normally do as a 4/5, depends if im doing well what do you recommend?

            King of Low Prio

              bloodstone into euls


                Okay ill use that in a game or too see how it works, when should i upgrade to BoTs?

                King of Low Prio

                  prob after core but u can sometimes get it earlier


                    Bloodstone into euls into travels, or Bloodstone into Bkb into something into something into something PLAY AND LEARN tHANK YOU


                      glimmer after bs is sometimes good, either instead of euls or paired with euls. after that u usually purchase BoT and octarine, and then, depending on situation, u can get: shivas, hex, bkb, ghosts. aghs is not worth investment whatever the game situation is, imo.


                        i always go null > bottle (presuming i got tangos pulled) > arcanes > point booster > soulring > bloodstone > euls/glimmer > octarine > shiva > hex/bkb/blink/etc

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Everyone trying to learn Leshrac now thanks to the TI5 Leshrac hype, screw you people, i'm gonna learn him first. O_O


                            ^2late i alrdy did it hehehhee


                              also leshrac was barely picked in ti5 main event, although he was banned a lot.


                                banned 100% and they played like shit when it was picked rofl

                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                  Most trending heroes after TI are storm, Lina and shaker actually. Lesh didnt increase in pick rate as much as other picked heroes since he already had become more popular after the EU qualifiers I think it was.


                                    1st phase ban material - hero is not bad (LeL) - 89% ban on ti5 (also picked/banned in 100% of games)


                                      Also Lesh had 0% win rate on TI5, I think...


                                        33%, 1 win out of 3 games afair


                                          ye shit hero not worth bothering with it

                                          33% winrate thats so bad