General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the real anti mage?

Who is the real anti mage? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Yes, theres am but which hero can u also say deal well or even better than am with spell casters in the game?

    Pugnas nether wards? Huskars magic invulnerability? BBs back? Tides craken? Naixs bkb? etc?


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      The real Anti Mage is Anti Mage himself, only Huskar low HP and Lifestealer 1st Spell are better. Close to the list is Ursa's and Centaur's ult (with Aghanim)


        Pugna against High mana mages

        Krazy Kat

          Siilencer on a good team.


            Riki ............

            waku waku

              phantom cancer


                Invoker + AM. EMP -> Mana Void -> GG.



                  ti5 pocket strat confirmed

                  Livin' Real Good

                    ^ that sounds amazing, gotta try that.


                      huski all the way


                        I feel like it would rather obviously HAVE to be silencer

                        "It's a 5v5 wizard them up let's make a hero that stops the other team from wizarding EleGigle"

                        Giff me Wingman

                          Yeah it's silencer, refresher + aghs


                            ^unless he gets initiated on. then its BOOM! silencer becomes mage meat. huski is the best. he can 5v1 non-physical damage dealers even at 100hp


                              Burning is the real antimage. Today's game proved that once again

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Huskar can't really die to magic damage unless you're so far behind finger/non-agh laguna oneshots you from full health (even if they spam nukes doing 1-5 damage you still have too high regen). Spellcasters can do pure damage too sometimes though, which makes silencer better since "global fuck you"


                                  I AM THE REAL ANTI MAGE

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Howard Donald

                                    I'M THE REAL ANTIMAGE AND SO IS MY WIFE


                                      clearly am

                                      put him against any int "mage based" hero and he will shit all over their face


                                        ^wut about 2nd VP-coL game then?

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          ^good sir, pls elaborate on the wife part.


                                            roflmao that was earthshaker +silencer + naga

                                            vs am +4 feeders

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              2 AMs having sex with eachother :o


                                                @Crudude, what's wrong with you


                                                  ACtually that am in col game was absolutely garbage.
                                                  Imbicillic skillbuild, same with the item choices, not to mention the idea where instead of risking for fights he should just go for 30k net worth and being ahead so much that the enemy couldn't do anything. Mistakes happen, but whatever.


                                                    ^could you elaborate on how he should have changed his item choices?

                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                      The real AM is AM cuz he sheets on the other anti mages, silencer is food, huskar as well, naix gets kited
                                                      the only one who can compete, and if the game goes long enough i think is PL

                                                        Defense of the Tanks 2

                                                          Will the real anti-mage please stand up? i repeat, will the real anti-mage plis stand up...

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            ^we're gonna have a problem here.

                                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                We all know its legion

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Pugna bro, you don't kill that ward you will just off yourself. Pugna vs sky is just unfair.

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Rubick actually, he uses your own shit against you and your magic is less effective against everybody around him.


                                                                      Knew what vid that was be4 clicking on it
                                                                      I tried that build once lmfao
                                                                      then i just skipped the blink force euls