General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get out of 2k?

How do I get out of 2k? in General Discussion

    I'm currently 2.7k, I got here from 1.7k after a good couple of months where I got decent teammates. I had some good win streaks going and then suddenly just as I'm about to hit 2.8, I keep getting the most cancerous of teammates. Supports who don't buy couriers, mids feeding etc. I'm finding it impossible to get out of this bracket. I almost always win my lane, have good map awareness and split push if teamfights weren't going our way. What can I do to get out of here? I've stopped playing ranked for now since I've been on a losing streak.


      welcome to 2,8k with me, don't bother wanting to go to a higher mmr, just sit and enjoy the game at your current one and you'll automatically rise with playing heroes you enjoy and not fotm bullshit


        What advice do you expect? A guide on how to worship Gaben so that he gives you the most perfect teammates every game?


          I have a specific pool of heros with whom I have good winrates but they're not in the current meta. I wanted advice on heroes that would be better playing against 2k MMR. Back when I was in 1.7K, I abused PL cuz most of those idiots didn't know how to counter him.


            if ure playing safelane stuff like slark is pretty easy to win if ure better than the opps
            buy things you need for urself and try not to rely on ur supports to do them, eg. tangoes, smokes, wards (i constantly buy and plant a 6-8min safe lane anti-gank ward)
            make use of the stupidity of your teammates to your advantage: they are constantly out of position and may serve as useful meat shields in opportune moments

            Dire Wolf

              How were your teammates decent in 1.7 but now they're garbage? That's just not true, they should be 1000 pts better players. If they won't support then you can try it or vice versa. Competition is better now, maybe that's just your natural mmr.


                I went 24-6-7 as a Slark once, creating a shitton of space for our Void to farm. The enemy team were literally moving as a 5 man just so they dont get ganked by me. We lost and our Void had 351 GPM in the end.

                @DireWolf my teammates during my win streak didn't feed or make stupid mistakes. I've been getting a lot more garbage teammates recently. Competition is definitely better now and I have had bad games too but more often than not I win my lanes and end with decent kda but we lose


                  so what? you still could have played better and won the game on your own.

                  in the game you're referring to you have 400 gpm in 50 minutes with 26 kills. that's fucking awful, and you probably think you're hot shit because you got tons of kills when you wasted so much time not hitting buildings.


                    That's cuz I had to BB twice. And I wasn't focused on farming, I knew Void was our position 1 so I was just creating space. I cannot win the game on my own when their entire team sits in base


                      buying back doesn't affect gpm.

                      "And I wasn't focused on farming, I knew Void was our position 1 so I was just creating space"
                      that's a stupid reasoning for not farming on a hero that does better with farm lmao. s4 still farms on puck when he's creating space for rtz.

                      111 last hits in 50 minutes is 2 fucking last hits a minute. 2 last hits a minute when you have near-permanent haste and a spammable 300 damage aoe nuke.

                      when the enemy sits in their base, you farm the entire fucking map, wait til you and your team have a sufficient gold advantage, because like you said, the enemy team are sitting in side their base splitting 3 waves of creeps between 5 people, and then when you do have enough items, which you didn't, then you take one fight and just end the game from there.


                        You're right, I should've farmed better. I was roaming in the enemy jungle trying to find kills. That being said, I cannot win the game by myself against that lineup and my team didn't help one bit.


                          how do you know that? you're in normal skill - so are your opponents. that means they're also going to make stupid errors even if they have a really good draft.

                          if you have trouble breaking base, and the enemy actually is staying in their base then you just split push them. the only people that you have to look out for are skywrath silencing you, and the meepo, although he doesn't have hex and you have bkb. so you just make them chase you while you chip away at their towers. if you really had to, you could get manta for more split push, plus removal of silence without wasting bkb.


                            no way


                              what i've found out is that you should play a hero you're very comfortable with (with some impact to the game), i spammed earthshaker and got pretty good results.



                                Bad Intentions

                                  Dominate your games man, just be that consistent high impact performer every single game.

                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                      welp no one has said it yet....

                                      and its a law of the internet, so sooner or later it will happen...

                                      I am sorry......


                                      Git gud.

                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                          4 real though, you still have a positive ranked win rate & 3k is not far, so just git a tiny bit guder.


                                            ^^ what do cancer players have to do with this? I feel like something just went way over my head.

                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                       (im working here email and tell them i want "tyrant T-002" boost my account then they give ut acc to me and ill do it for u in 2 days max )
                                       ( im here too but i recommend cuz im not verified booster on epicnpc )
                                       ( if u like to buy account check this email and tell them i want "tyrant T-002" accounts and done Your a 5k

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                casual gamer

                                                  ^^ easiest way to lose 100 matches of dota in a row

                                                  im 4500 and i wouldnt want to suddenly jump 500 mmr, id get raped in any 1v1 lane and be caught out constantly


                                                    maybe actually playing ranked would help


                                                      And how would I get better? Suggestions? I usually play carry but I'm pretty versatile so any tips would be appreciated.
                                                      Btw can I report @Tyrant? Hate people who boost MMR.


                                                        why? getting someone to boost your mmr and playing your way down is literally the best way to learn.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          No its the best way to let the rest of the world know you have a tiny dick, you don't learn shit getting stomped by players out of your league

                                                          Low Expectations

                                                            ^^Idiots like you should be dragged by their balls threw glass


                                                              winrate abuser who claims boosting to be the best way to learn dota = lovely person, hehe

                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                this is how you drag shit players out of the trenches and force them to win even after how hard they try to lose


                                                                  watch how good players play

                                                                  mimic them

                                                                  master some heroes spam them

                                                                  ez 5k

                                                                  dzizas las vegas

                                                                    best advice u can get:

                                                                    minimize your mistakes before you go for bigplays. never trade yourself if you play mid or carry. -- its only really worth it if it's 1 for 3 or 2 for 5. if you play a support don't force an equal trade. play to win and not to break even.

                                                                    STACK THE JUNGLE as you're passing

                                                                    if you want to carry the team, play mid instead of hardcarry. - lesh, qop, storm, ta, lina, invoker... (don't play SF no matter how good you are with it)

                                                                    force your teammates to work with you by assisting them, even though they don't think they need your assistance

                                                                    minimize tp usage - dont tp to only get out of the base, as you're leaving the base stop by the jungle to farm. try to use tp only to join the ongoing teamfight or to back once you're deep into the map, or to save distance travel and pick up 2-3 waves of farm that would otherwise go to waste.

                                                                    make a lobby and practice lasthitting with an unfair bot.

                                                                    but basically this: figure out your position (1,2,3,4,5), learn 3-5 heroes and spam them. build your items depending on the enemy team. yes, all suggested items are good for your hero, but some items are better than others in a particular game. even if you are playing support make sure you get farm, but this doesn't mean you should prioritize your own farm vs. supporting the team. -- support is probably the most difficult role in the game, while hard carry being probably the easiest.


                                                                      why hate for sf?


                                                                        Spam lesh if u want to go up


                                                                          stop being bad at the games


                                                                            winrate abuser?


                                                                              @BLISS thanks for the tips. I have tried playing mid plenty of times and I usually dominate my lane, killing the mid hero once or twice and that's when he starts ganking. I take the mid tower but by that time my team has fed their mid and he gets ahead of me. I tried ganking them instead of focusing on farm and do get kills but somehow my team feeds somewhere on the map and their carry gets fed. I have learnt that playing mid isn't helping me win more often than not. So iI decided to play position 1 considering that I've had stupid teammates who just threw games cuz of ego problems when I was supporting.
                                                                              Apart from that I just noticed that my winrate in US West(60%) is significantly higher than US East(48%). Maybe it's possible that im getting paired up less competent teammates on East server for some reason


                                                                                I used to be there at 2800 mmr
                                                                                Now I'm in 3500 mmr

                                                                                All I can say is that you can't do anything with your teammate in that level.
                                                                                You can't expect them. They can be good. they can be bad. It depends on luck.
                                                                                So all you need is your play. You have to become a good leader in order to moving up mmr.

                                                                                So I learn now that ppl below 3,000 still not have some good fight esp in lane.
                                                                                If you think you win your lane more than usual it means your true mmr isn't there.
                                                                                You true mmr should be more above but why you still lose? And stay there.
                                                                                It's becos maybe you lose in team fight and lose in game mechanic.

                                                                                Becos in deep play it's not about winning the lane
                                                                                It's about how your team mechanic goes.
                                                                                And if you can see this throuh you will know what to do.
                                                                                And you will lead the team. Tell the team when to go and when to back
                                                                                And even tell them what to buy
                                                                                And if you are very good enough you will tell them how to fight in clash
                                                                                Like target this one first. Ignore this one first.

                                                                                So ppl 3,000 and above will have a good fight now but still have not good decision.
                                                                                And if you want to go further you have to make a very good desicion
                                                                                Which impact the game
                                                                                And the good desicion starts from picking the hero

                                                                                And how can you earn that?
                                                                                It comes from observes many replays and copy it.
                                                                                Becos you will learn why they ban this hero and why they pick this hero
                                                                                And when you can find where the good and bad spots of those many heroes
                                                                                You can counter them with action and items
                                                                                And that's when you starting to moving your mmr again.


                                                                                  I agree with everything you said and I do do that. My awareness during teamfights is way better than my teammates, I always keep telling them when to back and what items to buy and try to be as helpful as possible. But they rarely listen. I just had a game where my position 1 Naga built Octarine core at 40 min and Radiance at 60 min. My squishy Silencer kept split pushing with a fed LC running around with blink. I kept telling them what to do and what not to do but they won't listen.


                                                                                    If you pay attention you will notice that most highest mmr players in your team
                                                                                    will pick very last like 4th or 5th. (In high skill level) (if they want to play serious)
                                                                                    Becos they want to see all the his team and what is lack and they will fulfill it.

                                                                                    For exemple, if your team have a lot of carry sup but lack of pushing hero
                                                                                    You should pick pushing hero. If your team has a lot of damage hero but lack of tank
                                                                                    You should pick tank. And sometimes you may get a good carry but he's lack of someone helping him
                                                                                    So you should pick sup.

                                                                                    And this kind of pick will make a very impact in game

                                                                                    Ad here is my tips.
                                                                                    1. Learn how to have a good pick and counter pick
                                                                                    You shouldn't pick something that burdens the team like anti-mage that will shines after 30-40 mins
                                                                                    While they have many strong early and mid hero

                                                                                    2. Practice the same hero a lot
                                                                                    You should have a few main heroes and practice them a lot
                                                                                    So you know everything in deeps of them

                                                                                    3. Practice with bot
                                                                                    Before play weird hero that you never get used to you should try it on bots first
                                                                                    So you know him good enough then go rank .This helps a lot.

                                                                                    4. Rest enough
                                                                                    Nothing to say but to have enuf rest is always good.
                                                                                    Don't expect you will have a good play while your body needs sleep.

                                                                                    And I hope this all help
                                                                                    Hope you success your goal


                                                                                      bro i started with 2k mmr now im 4.5k. its all about you carrying the game alone. choose 3-4 heroes to play (preferably mid or carry) take as many last hits you could and as many kills you can get (managing between farm and kills is very important). get 60 last hits in 10 min (nobody in 2.8k can do better) keep the farm up and gank when you can. snowball get out of control and win the game do this and you will rise (check out my dotabuff and see how i rised)


                                                                                        Ok but I don't think you will got bad teammate all the times.
                                                                                        If you got that bad teammate all I can say is that
                                                                                        You take mid, use good hero. Win your lane a lot. Gank sometimes in purpose of increase your gold mechanic
                                                                                        And decrease thier gold's carry mechanic.

                                                                                        Keep farm til you think you have enough and then call everyone and end the game,as fast as you can.
                                                                                        They will come if they win a lot and they will listen to you if you kill a lot and make a good play for them to see
                                                                                        The most important thing is don't blame
                                                                                        They will act in different way if there is some talk fight in team
                                                                                        Just keep silence and suggest something good for them
                                                                                        And well-play for them if they get some kills.
                                                                                        It's about psychologic thing now.


                                                                                          Truth to say
                                                                                          Everyone wants win in rank mode
                                                                                          So it's about how to lead the team to win


                                                                                            Use omni everyfucking time if there is 3 hitters.Use Leviathan or Pugna if 3 skill types.(2k idiots dont even bother buying diffu just cus it aint core)
                                                                                            but if your the occasional mid picker then u cant escape trust me


                                                                                              Don't play carry because your team already has 4. Don't play support though because your teammates won't carry you. Don't go mid because you will have to fight pudge over it. Also don't offlane because you will always have a support sapping exp and being aggressive and feeding. Don't jungle either because then your offlane will feed and there is also a bloodseeker on enemy team.

                                                                                              Just... um... well... hmm.....

                                                                                              dzizas las vegas

                                                                                                @chhatru if you kill their mid and he starts ganking, you put on owl eyes and intervene when he ganks by tping to the tower. if he gets 1-2 kills, it's not too bad, if you destroyed him mid and made it impossible for him to farm, it will be incredibly difficult for him to recover without farming, so if he's only chasing kills he could be wasting his time. you need to spam 'hero x is missing!' and chatwheel 'enemy incoming!' and 'careful!' to your teammates.

                                                                                                use the -console command dota_minimap_hero_size "1000" and you shouldn't miss stuff on the minimap


                                                                                                  Don't spam fotm heroes (if you do) as you will freefall back to where you started once they get nerfed. 2K mmr is all about farm, a good team would still have difficulties fighting a team with 10k gold advantage on them

                                                                                                  dzizas las vegas

                                                                                                    I mentioned earlier 'dont play sf in pubs' - why hate?

                                                                                                    It's not hate. I love sf, it's probably my favourite hero. SF is my constant loading screen. The trouble with SF is he needs a lot of care and babysitting so he doesn't get behind. The beauty of SF is that if one of your supports stacks a camp every minute for first 10 minutes of the game, you should get ahead for about 2.5k gold and the enemy team CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT.

                                                                                                    So, whats the point about sf -- he's ALWAYS supposed to be ahead and it's very easy. In pubs, nobody will stack for you, they won't call earthshaker missing for you, they will flame you, require you to gank even though they should gank the midlane and get the tower so that you can sit on it for 15 minutes while clearing the jungle after razing the creepwaves...

                                                                                                    The only situation where sf should stop farming in early game is to TP to your tower and get 2 kills as they're diving your teammates.

                                                                                                    Spam lesh - he's so easy I was the first to pick in the game, I was pretty drunk too. Just don't get too cocky with it

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                      That's in 4k(or 5k?) bracket right? If u just win the mid lane with SF in early game and do a little stack when creep is pushed and raze2, u pretty much win the game, but yeah its hard if team is feeding.

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                        Game is hard no matter if you are owning 20-0-0, when your team outfeed you.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!