General Discussion

General DiscussionPsychology of losing multiple games in a row

Psychology of losing multiple games in a row in General Discussion

    So I don't have a professional athlete psyche, and like most dota players things get you rattled.... So log in to play today

    first game, have a mid sf at 4.4kmmr, so figure he'll be decent, but him, and all lanes proceed to feed furiously, the SF starts being an epic dick over voice chat, it's like 15-0 and he abandons at 7 minutes lol.

    2nd game....

    all of my team proceeds to feed furiously once again, like I'm talking 0-10 axe, 2-16 qop, 1-14 dazzle etc, I'm the only one putting up a positive KDA.... we lose

    so going into my 3rd game, and this is the point of the post..... Subconsciously I was EXPECTING my team to be terrible, and for us to lose, and low and behold I play like shit and probably end up being the worst on my team.

    Thoughts? Does this happen to you? Do you feel like the result of your previous game is directly carried into your next game in terms of attitude and approach? EG: you do awesome, so you feel more confident and are a little more agressive, or your team did terrible, so you are focused more on trying to carry your teammates and rotate to other lanes to make up for them doing bad, resulting in you fucking up your lane etc lol.


      A bit actaully earlier today I had a Magnus on my team and pretty much my last 10 Magnus have sucked so I was expecting him to suck and got pissed at him when things started bad . He ended up being not bad but I know I coulda played better if I wasn't mad early game.

      la the yeezy

        Definitely. We all know that a players mentality and attitude is as important as ones skill. Sometimes less is more, I've played less ranked games and playing it when I have a positive emotional state. I've grinded mmr much easier this way rather than playing 3-5 straight games a day.


          I did not fully read but yes i have these days once in a while. It happens, sometimes losstreak feels like valve put you with the tilters are feed bots but its juste luck i guess. Just play for yourself, even if you lose, do your best so you can improve and get experience out of that loss.


            on a side note, venting about this put me in a positive mindframe and I just ABOSLUTELY rapefested as np lol


              I don't binge play often enough to have this kind of feelings. Normally, any game that precedes the one I'm currently in has no effect on me, except on the off chance that Valve decided to pair me with the same asshole once again.


                lol zano.

                Ugh for real, i'm cursed.... Stomp as NP and then next game I get a CM and PA in the safelane that flame eachother and proceed to give up 5 minutes in.


                  I don't play as bad when my teammates feed. If anything I play better because I'm that kind of player that wants to be the 1 man star >_>", I hate it when people have better scores than me.

                  I play like shit when people start flaming and blaming me. I end up failing my RP or zipping to my death as storm and it creates an endless spiral.


                    ^ bedazzle couldn't agree with you more. The worst thing about yelling at team mates, or being a dick, is it automatically makes them play like 40% worse lol.

                    When will people learn :(

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