bots on both teams group up after minute 10 mb.
when i feel like trying some new stuff out i play a bot game for 10-15 minutes.
and if you want to practice laning a bit just play the laning stage, because they are bots afterall
Feel rusty rn, just farmed along while riki bot of my team went HAM and he carried, while I splitpushed all game xD
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
I've been trying to paly bot matches to practice my mechanics instead of online, and I put all my bots on unfair, but on unfair my bots start going all mid and diving from lvl 1 , is this some sort of glitch?
Enemy bots play their usual game denying and all that, but my team just groups at 5. I've always been at radiant so is that a probleM?