General Discussion

General DiscussionAny good examples on Storm vs Qop?

Any good examples on Storm vs Qop? in General Discussion

    Hello, I started playing Storm more frequently and the worst matchup is Qop (worse than Lesh/Lina imo). I can manage to survive the laning stage by now but I still get fucked cs wise. I'm around 5k right now and usually have to lane against 5.5k ish Qops. Any advice or good replays to watch the laning stage?
    I understand that it's superhard but getting just a few cs will help a lot.


      I dont find this matchup that hard, Lina is way worse imo
      You can cs pretty decently, trade evenly with her and cant be solo killed after lv6


        I don't really know what to do against Qop. She's like a Viper but way worse. U have to commit so hard for cs (guaranteed shadow strike + 2-3 autoattacks) while u give her 1-2 hits with Overload max. Against Lina it's easier as she will nuke out the wave and u just dodge the spells. Can't dodge Shadow strike :D
        Maybe you can watch over my last game? I played so fking scared knowing that avg mmr was 500 higher than mine (+ constant Mirana mid)


          Against QoP, you need to draw aggro and kite her. Her shadowstrike range is short so if you keep out of range, it's very obvious when she tries to run up to you. When she can't cast it and creeps start hitting her, you hit her with an overloard charge as she runs back. Rinse and repeat.

          Thats how you defeat a QoP lane in theory. Blitz did the matchup on this before. In general, if I'm Radiant, I try to stack the medium camp and farm it if qop jams the lane too far on her side.

          Kiting and lane equilibrium is key against a QoP. She can't Blink into you or she'll die 100% so by kiting and aggroing creeps, you render her advantage useless.


            Try to be slightly under the hill, so every time she comes at you, you attack + remnant (for the slow) and run 3 feet backward (so you are protected by uphill vision, thus it will cancel her animation of shadow strike) do that 2-3 time, and you will have an advantage big enough to allow you to farm safely till your 6.


              ^^ what do you do against lesh, guy kills you whenever he feels like

              jus chillen

                against lesh you just man up, lose mid, and buy some couriers



                    Level 6 storm shits on level 6 leshrac if you know what you're doing.

                    That lane is all about bottlecrowing and playing passive.

                    jus chillen

                      yeah at lvl 6 lesh has bloodstone and you have brown boots


                        If you're Radiant, you should be securing farm easily from the medium camp (either stacking or just farming it outright) and pushed out waves. Although you'll get less farm on Dire side, if Lesh is constantly attempting to harass/push then you have plenty of farm under tower. Storm does great last hitting under tower.

                        You won't crush the lane but saying you won't get any farm is ridiculous lol. Max Q over E if you foresee no kill opportunities because it lets you jungle really early and quickly.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        jus chillen

                          ty for help bratan, now i will be 8k mmr storm



                            It's fine to play the idontcare card when you're proven wrong. Owell, players who think they're better will never listen.


                              Thanks guys, I think Matrice advice will help a lot. Didn't think of using uphill vision in this matchup like this before. Also thanks for the video, will watch it.
                              And yes, against Leshrac, he basically can't lane against u anymore as soon as u hit lvl 6. Any decent Storm should kill him every time he shows up or at least force tp rotations. Even with Point booster he has sub 1k hp which is manageable with soul ring, bottle and wand.

                              jus chillen

                                yeah im so good, thats why im 4400 mmr


                                  ^u skrublord


                                    anyone who says storm v qop is harder than storm v lesh has clearly never went against a lesh with triple digit iq


                                      You should watch that video and you can tell the storm is 6-7k from the fact that he gets his fucking pull against a qop unlike the 99% of brain dead retards. People who don't understand it at all flame you for thinking otherwise saying x player doesn't get it in a different match up.