General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    D the Superior
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        the realm's delight

          6,1 earthquake , didnt feel shit LUL


            Earthquake? where?


              oww that sucks, hope u didnt get major damage there


                nothing special, just florian's mom fell off her bed

                the realm's delight

                  x D

                  the realm's delight

                    all i need is one more drank

                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                      Tralalelo Tralala


                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                          the realm's delight

                            man mr orbot season2 is so fuckign good

                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                              did u finish it yet?

                              the realm's delight

                                nah im watching 5th episoed now

                                lm ao

                                  mr robot is the new breaking bad
                                  bravo, cause they started the series on a really no-so-known channel in american tv

                                  lm ao

                                    Also this thread needs some political satire

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    the realm's delight

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      lm ao

                                        As a huge Euroboo, I feel sad for Europe because of Cultural Marxism and left-wing policies that is breaking down the foundations of your society.

                                        RIP guys. Although I hope more people like Nigel Farage stand up for conservatist values and resist the globalization efforts of blind liberals.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                          whats wrong with that allison

                                          lm ao

                                            Seriousness aside, here are some fresh memes for you all

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            lm ao


                                              wheres everybody

                                              the realm's delight


                                                D the Superior
                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                    Meka ban? LUL

                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                        guess who said fury warrior is useless 4Head

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          i actually heard fury pulls ahead of arms

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                            they do - at first i thought im playing badly but actually furys better if played correctly

                                                            i got kicked/declined about 5 times yesterday when people asked me wether i play arms or fury

                                                            btw - that arms warrior in the pic had higher gs than me

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                              2 arms 1 fury Xd

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                i fucking hate pugs


                                                                  whats ur ilvl?

                                                                  the realm's delight



                                                                      lul #maxed

                                                                      i can do 200k im 826 ilvl

                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                        "Total" DansGame


                                                                          OMG Mr robot season 2 ending was soooo anticlimactic af.

                                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                            it was ok, many questions came up/were left unanswered

                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              total is more important in dungeons tbh. trash is harder than bosses

                                                                              also john i doubt u can maintain 200k in longer fights. ppl in my guild (all are 845+) had less than 200k on hc bosses in emerald nightmare

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                just, wow


                                                                                  I mean if i get to damage all the time its 200k

                                                                                  the realm's delight
                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      im dh

                                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                                        makes sense i guess theyre pretty broken rn

                                                                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                          Rampage damage increased by 12%.
                                                                                          Bloodthirst damage increased by 12%.
                                                                                          Raging Blow damage increased by 5%.
                                                                                          Furious Slash damage increased by 5%.
                                                                                          Execute (Fury) damage increased by 5%.

                                                                                          HAHA road to #1 dps

                                                                                          not arin

                                                                                            signing for subjects and orientating in the school online system gave me megacancer


                                                                                              watch and learn spunki


                                                                                                mmr check before i waste 45 mins