General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    Bu yorum düzenlendi

      [Allies] Davai Davai: wk
      [Allies] Davai Davai: rofl
      [Allies] zek: team mind>>><
      [Allies] Davai Davai: dont understund y u just dont pick spec
      [Allies] Davai Davai: and win game atfer 25m
      [Allies] Honey: =

      < blank >

        i really don't come to dotabuff for dota related stuff, thanks for this shit


          ure coming here for me areint u


            American's saying they are smart.......

            Uses the Imperial system of measurement. Say no more.

            Anyways, more DANK DANK MEEMEES and making fun of WEEBOS. That stuff is the best


              he's here for anime posting

              D the Superior
                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                < blank >

                  you guys killing ayy lmeo tred


                    update my pic or feed

                    < blank >

                      i'm not sure if i saved the project somewhere, because i did the whole thing in one session


                        who was me in that video

                        < blank >

                          2nd stabber, the one after magnus




                              i mean the character in the series
                              i dont watch game of thrones


                                lol me neither (high five)

                                < blank >

                                  an unimportant character, the same that you are on this forum

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                                    D the Superior
                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                      Jay the Bird

                                        similar like in this forum



                                          the first wording was better

                                          < blank >

                                            changed back^^



                                                thats so gay i contracted aids ty

                                                D the Superior
                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                  < blank >

                                                    cracking a cold one with the boy(s)

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      low tier meme




                                                          can we see some top tier memes then sir?


                                                            memes has been getting worse last 2 years


                                                              ye lets post some racist memes because theyre f u n n y

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                dear jesus i hate that shit actually call me a sjw

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 FUCKING 👉 WEEEEEEEEED AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😂 DUDE!!!!!!!!!! 😎 WEED!!!!!!!!!!!! 🍁 hits 💥 bong FUCKING 👉 DUUUUUUDE that 😐 WEEED like 💖 just...................DUDE LMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOO i 👁 am 👏 so 💯 fucking 👉 HIGH 🕛 on 🔛 WEED 🍁 right 👌 now 👋 XD WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED holla my 👨 DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JUST.........ROLL................MY.......................JOINT......................UP........................................AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DANK 👌 DANK 👌 DANK 👌 WEED LEGALIZE IT! 💯 LEGALIZE IT! 💯 LEGALIZE IT! 💯 ROLL 🙄 EM 🍆 SMOKE 🚬 EM 🍆 PUT 😏 EM 🍆 IN 👏 A 👌 BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🍀 FUCKING 👉 WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i 👁 am 👏 just 👏 FUCKING 👉 BAKED right 👌 now 👋 my 👨 DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎 LMAOOOOOOOOOOO RAISE 🙋 YO 💯 HAND 👋 IF 👏 U 👈 TURNT 😏 AF 😲 RIGHT 👌 NOW 👋 raises both 🌜 hands 👏 AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WEED 🍁 DUDE 😎 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I SMOKE 🚬 2 🕝 JOINTS 🌳 IN 👏 DA 🎹 MORNIN MON...........DUDE! WEED! 🍁 HAAAAAAAAAAAA IM 💰 LIKE 💖 A 👌 FUCKIN 👌 KITE 💇 RIGHT 👌 NOW 👋 MY 👨 DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎 S 😂 O 😯 F 👴 U 👈 C 🐖 K 😡 I 👁 N 😂 G 🚺 H 💥 I 👁 G 🚺 H 💥 O 😯 N 😂 W 🌎 E 👶 E 👶 D 🚹 I 👁 CANT 🚫 EVEN 🌃 FOCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMOKING 🚬 ONLY 🕦 THE 👏 DANKEST 🙀 OF 💦 HERB MY 👨 DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎 SOME 👨 OF 💦 THAT 😐 TRIPLE BANANA 🍌 WINSTON CHURCHILL MEGA 😅 DANK 👌 GAZA GRASS 🌱 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKIN 👌 SO 💯 FUCKIN 👌 BLAZED RIGHT 👌 NOW 👋 DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDE AHAHAHAHHAA BAZINGA inhales YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cough THIS 👈 cough SHIT 💩 cough IS 💦 cough SO 💯 cough FUCKIN 👌 cough DANK 👌 my 👨 DUDE 😎 HAAHHAAAHAHAHAHAH WHY 😡 AM 👏 I 👁 EVEN 🌃 LAUGHING 😅 ROTFLMAOO THIS 👈 SHIT 💩 IS 💦 NARSH BRO 👆 FUCKIN 👌 HELLA 🚷 SMOKE 🚬 WEED 🍁 ERR DAY 🌞 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


                                                                    has nothing to do with sjw, these memes are simply retarded and an over simplification of everything

                                                                    its similar as calling all germans nazis, all russians communists etc


                                                                      i think it depends on how bad the shit would smell, and whether she would smell it

                                                                      id most likeyl go with 2)

                                                                      < blank >

                                                                        ofc number 1, you can play it off easy and it's forgotten in less than 10 seconds

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          btw, why is it not possible for some ppl to keep a fart in? i do that all the time


                                                                            i wouldnt go to a date


                                                                              ye thats some 4chan autism levels of memes


                                                                                what happened to humour




                                                                                    has nothing to do with sjw, these memes are simply retarded and an over simplification of everything

                                                                                    its similar as calling all germans nazis, all russians communists etc


                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      i dont get it


                                                                                        u ask for the check

                                                                                        Check, mate



                                                                                          check mate


                                                                                            Well, I guess I will stop sharing memes cause this anime guy thinks they are cringy.


                                                                                              is that supposed to be funny? ur posting some tumblr level memes rn