Dimitri Khalezov11 minutes ago (edited)
+Evgeniy Poluektov Революцию 1917 года приближала не школота, а угнетенные рабочие - ну это вы загнули :) Если разбить на составляющие того "приближения революции", то составляющие будут выглядеть примерно так: 1я и самая важная составляющая: дегенерат, слабак и подкаблучник государь Николаша Кровавый, который своей тупостью, леностью, трусостью, слабостью и нежеланием заниматься государственными делами (он занимался ими примерно два часа в неделю, в перерывах между балами и охотой) смело забрал процентов 80 заслуг по части того "приближения". 2я по своей важности составляющая - это жидо-большевики, сторонники очередного жидовского Исхода из рабства Египетского в Землю Обетованную - дадим им 15%. 3я составляющая - это т.н. "социально близкие" - т.е. примкнувшие ко вторым воры, цыгане и абреки (дадим, им, скажем, 5%). Ну, и ноль процентов (ноль без палочки) достанется как раз мужичью - то есть "пролетариату, которому нечего терять, кроме своих цепей". Так что с "угнетёнными рабочими" вы явно не угадали. Что-то те "угнетённые рабочие" больше не горят желанием свергать режимы и осуществлять жидовские революции - ни в 1953м, ни в 1956м, ни в 1985м, ни в 1991м, ни в 1993м, ни в 1998м, ни позже, "угнетённые рабочие" очередной "17й" год отчего-то не приблизили. С чего бы это? Ах, жидов ведь не хватило :)
Dimitri Khalezov
This channel is primarily intended to host various 9/11 clips that support the truth about September 11 -- i.e. that no aluminum plane could penetrate steel perimeters of the WTC and that all 'planes' were merely digital, and that the WTC Twin Towers along with the WTC building #7 were demolished by underground nuclear explosions (hence pulverization of the steel structures of the WTC and the nuclear name 'ground zero' promptly awarded by the Civil Defense specialists to the WTC demolition site). Some other interesting 9/11 clips might be hosted here as well. For more information, visit my websites dealing with the WTC nuclear demolition: www.911thology.com My book on 9/11 could be downloaded from that web site as well (though, I plan to remove its "freely-available" version because almost no one pays to me for it. So, hurry up. Soon it will be strictly against the payment.
Really? Did you seriously just call me 12 you fucking piece of shit. First things first, I am 13, not 12 you dumb fucking shit. Second of all, your calling me 12 when your grammar looks like that? *Their *Your *OK. That's just a few too. Also, just because I play Minecraft and enjoy the FNAf (Five Nights at Freddie's for you dumbasses) lore does not mean I'm an immature 12 year old. I'm very mature for my age and hang out with the 14 year olds. So watch your mouth dumbass retard.
6+ is not even bad it is above average lol
you would have to be very beautiful to be 9 or 10, most people probably wouldnt be able to tell becuase of makeup, 8 you'd probably have to be model tier
while high-end machines will experience improved frame-rate consistency, resulting in fewer performance dips.
ye it's about time my fps wont go from 200 -> 130 for some fucking unknown reason, a few patches ago I haven't seen lower fps than 160 or something now it's all over the place 130 - 240fps shit's just going up and down
only kind of deja vu I know
Dimitri Khalezov11 minutes ago (edited)
+Evgeniy Poluektov Революцию 1917 года приближала не школота, а угнетенные рабочие - ну это вы загнули :) Если разбить на составляющие того "приближения революции", то составляющие будут выглядеть примерно так: 1я и самая важная составляющая: дегенерат, слабак и подкаблучник государь Николаша Кровавый, который своей тупостью, леностью, трусостью, слабостью и нежеланием заниматься государственными делами (он занимался ими примерно два часа в неделю, в перерывах между балами и охотой) смело забрал процентов 80 заслуг по части того "приближения". 2я по своей важности составляющая - это жидо-большевики, сторонники очередного жидовского Исхода из рабства Египетского в Землю Обетованную - дадим им 15%. 3я составляющая - это т.н. "социально близкие" - т.е. примкнувшие ко вторым воры, цыгане и абреки (дадим, им, скажем, 5%). Ну, и ноль процентов (ноль без палочки) достанется как раз мужичью - то есть "пролетариату, которому нечего терять, кроме своих цепей". Так что с "угнетёнными рабочими" вы явно не угадали. Что-то те "угнетённые рабочие" больше не горят желанием свергать режимы и осуществлять жидовские революции - ни в 1953м, ни в 1956м, ни в 1985м, ни в 1991м, ни в 1993м, ни в 1998м, ни позже, "угнетённые рабочие" очередной "17й" год отчего-то не приблизили. С чего бы это? Ах, жидов ведь не хватило :)
Dimitri Khalezov
This channel is primarily intended to host various 9/11 clips that support the truth about September 11 -- i.e. that no aluminum plane could penetrate steel perimeters of the WTC and that all 'planes' were merely digital, and that the WTC Twin Towers along with the WTC building #7 were demolished by underground nuclear explosions (hence pulverization of the steel structures of the WTC and the nuclear name 'ground zero' promptly awarded by the Civil Defense specialists to the WTC demolition site). Some other interesting 9/11 clips might be hosted here as well. For more information, visit my websites dealing with the WTC nuclear demolition: www.911thology.com My book on 9/11 could be downloaded from that web site as well (though, I plan to remove its "freely-available" version because almost no one pays to me for it. So, hurry up. Soon it will be strictly against the payment.
Really? Did you seriously just call me 12 you fucking piece of shit. First things first, I am 13, not 12 you dumb fucking shit. Second of all, your calling me 12 when your grammar looks like that? *Their *Your *OK. That's just a few too. Also, just because I play Minecraft and enjoy the FNAf (Five Nights at Freddie's for you dumbasses) lore does not mean I'm an immature 12 year old. I'm very mature for my age and hang out with the 14 year olds. So watch your mouth dumbass retard.
i have to cover the window during the afternoon not only because the sun shines directly into my eyes
but also because it reflects from my pale skin onto the screen which becomes illegible
pale people problems LUL
? im paler than u and i dont have those issues sir!!
i'm sure this is normal by deviantart standards
8/10 her face could be a bit longer
man i wanted to comment on how many black pimples she got but its just my monitor being dirty WutFace
Dem numerical rates are meh
It gotta be "I d bang her/ I d rather not"
show your 8+ then
there is a different rating for cuteness und hotness
so what are we rating here
6+ is not even bad it is above average lol
you would have to be very beautiful to be 9 or 10, most people probably wouldnt be able to tell becuase of makeup, 8 you'd probably have to be model tier
cute, 10/10, hot 6/10 = 8/10
guess it depends what kind of model too, cause people like scarlet johansson are also considered models
do you even play dota anymore allison
no, you'll know when i start playing dota agian when i start complaining about getting lp every 5 games in this thread
its impossible to get lp anymore (unless u actually ruin a few games in a row)
^ this
ywn saved dota after all
ill complain about something eles dw
overall cure but theres something wrong with her face i cant exactly put my finger on
not gonna rate on a 10 scale because its dumb
ginger (puke)
nice pedo thread rating 14yo girls
that's blonde
are you colorblind?
also 1.3gb patch?
new hats on pudge coming?
this is an autism free zone please leave immediately
let me redirect you to https://www.dotabuff.com/topics/2016-10-31-paging-haffy
that new multiplayer campaign probs
or imm II
autism free zone? direct yourself out i suppose
thats not blonde wtff
thats not entirely ginger either though
some super blonde ginger if u wish, doesnt look good btw
but this is our own developed kind of autism bound to the ayy lmao thread and nowhere else
you don't belong here
between 5 and 6, can't really decide, prob need to see more with different angles XD
not nearly as pretty as I
i wonder if that will allow me to play on max graphic settings without 20 fps so i can finally see lunas ass in full glory
ye it's about time my fps wont go from 200 -> 130 for some fucking unknown reason, a few patches ago I haven't seen lower fps than 160 or something now it's all over the place 130 - 240fps shit's just going up and down
poor u
any1 else can\t access their battle pass?
ye I cant also wtf is this???
okay theyre rolling outa hotfix apparently