Mekarazium: spoiler
Mekarazium: ragnar dies
LA FLAME: wow man
LA FLAME: didnt know
LA FLAME: now i cant watch anymore
Mekarazium: how about some anime
Mekarazium: magnus sent me some
Mekarazium: :>
LA FLAME: magnus sent u anime?
Mekarazium: yes
Mekarazium: weird one
back at it again
hi guys my names Atlas and I don't have to say more cause I know you're already cringing just from my name
this is why you dont spam attack move to cancel attack animation during roshan
im suprised that this is the first time this happened to me
hi guys my names ywn and i watch anime
you have matumba in friend list?
damn arin, back at it again with the red games
Hey guys i have a pro player in friend list im cool
I also have a pro player in my fl, his name is ywn <3
Now kiss me
HI guys i dont like anime i only like hipster shit so you should too, but you shouldn't really cause then it wouldnt be hipster anymore
yeah meanwhile autists like you are still 5k for some reason
I've been called many things, autist, an animal, a c(u)nt but out of all names one has remained allways my favourite ... King.
PipeHype I'm always right PipeHype Except when I picked meepo PipeHype Fuck that was stupid... PipeHype
hi guys my names ywn and my name is also john
sorry that was mean
i hope no one saw that
kama the bullet
can you post other meme formats lul
i lately only see those 9 different things meme
321 banned
tbh u have the most retarded profile pic here so
mods be like
i just figured out i perceive my own profile pic as a picture, and not as a text/message
lets say, same way as some non-slav guy would see it
its kind of bullshit indeed, but its part of me. i didnt change it in 8 years since i first joined steam platform.
I joined steam platform 5yrs ago, when i was 13. I played mw3 and fucked everyone's mom
fucking furry get exposed
Mekarazium: spoiler
Mekarazium: ragnar dies
LA FLAME: wow man
LA FLAME: didnt know
LA FLAME: now i cant watch anymore
Mekarazium: how about some anime
Mekarazium: magnus sent me some
Mekarazium: :>
LA FLAME: magnus sent u anime?
Mekarazium: yes
Mekarazium: weird one
wtfs la flame
ish yo boy
Hey my name's your worst nightmare and I'm not gonna continue this cuz I know you already died of cringe
lmfao the comments
Beat hit harder than my step dad
Damn man I honestly play better under tough situations. I have like 10k gamesense.
is clinkz any good this patch
fu ckyourself AT LAs
again i denied myself on tinker after buying bloodstone because im used to spamming soul ring
tfw you realise that meta is shortcut for "most effective tactic available"
The meme creator is probably german because he made a math joke in an anime
but this is not anime