Honest to god if I was able to put every person in a gas chamber who picks blood seeker on this game I would and I wouldn't feel guilty about it one bit.
^ Please don't, they give me easy wins when they are in the enemy team and easy wins in my team too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
^----I think in my last 20 games:
I had a bs teammate 3 times and only one of them wasn't retarded.
On the other team I have faced about 15 games out of 20 with bs its just annoying and its retard proof. By that it takes all of maybe 1 minute when game launches on this hero to figure out what to do.
His first ability should cost mana 25 or something.
@the guy saying its not troll/sniper 6.83 yeah it isn't but the same sheep trash who only played those 2 heroes then spams bs now.
@Last Picking
Out of the 3k games I've played in dota 2, not once I had thought "OMERGERD, NERF BLOODSEEKER, TOO IMBA."
I've played him, played against him, played with him. He's a fun hero in general. (The people on the other hand.....)
I agree that taking the nuke out of his ult was the right thing to do. Also removing the instant silence was a good change too.
If I had to change anything about blood, it would be changed his damage from Blood Rite to Magical, reduce the silence to 2/3/4/5 and increase the damage to 140/180/220/260.
But hey, that's my 2 cents.
Actually, a correctly built Bloodseeker is probably as OP as old troll/Sniper, if not more. It's funny how I can give fb, buyback and die and die again , but still win my lane and carry the game after that.
^----or even worse dominate a team fight then have some retard bs show up running 522 ms or whatever max is and kill ur team.
Even his second ability did it need to be the size of map vision? I mean because why put abilities in that can be missed.
@soul eater there is a reason bs is top 5 most picked and winning 54% of games and it helps also he is a jungle that never has to leave for mana or hp.
It's mainly because people don't know how to counter blood well.
Buying TP's save lives.
Why does Omniknight have the highest winrate? Cause no one knows how to deal with him. Dblade saves games.
Case in point for Omniknight: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1543384524
As a "bloodseeker spammer" ive tried many way of playing him and hes good in almost any lane, and i guess jungle but why the heck would you jungle him... Anyway, there a many ways to play him and dagon + shadow blade could be totally viable against the right team. I wouldnt really consider him OP though because he can be totally nullified just by playing accordingly. People seem to completely ignore the fact that he takes extra dmg when raged, if hes charging in for that deny to heal himself, throw that stun and punish him for it. dont just wait for him to smack you to death under a tower.
lol in 6.84 I suprisingly have a good win rate against BS
But he always seems to run rings around you and there is nothing more annoying then an OP bs -.-
I've played over 50 games with him but none in 6.84, maybe I should try xD
@kitrak we know you playing so what alt you been using to play the last week?
Also Omni had almost 60% last patch and no one compared him to sniper/troll so lets not go there.
it is a good build if you snowball. It is a thing in russia and some actually grind mmr with that shit.
also, you lost because you were stupid enough to pick techies in a lineup that has inferior lategame. That just shows how fucking bad you are.
@Pain. You like to talk shit. Do you even watch replay or you simple think techies is worst hero. To be honest. Think twice before you speak. I am talking about bloodseeker this typical
player was trolling his team mates . he go in and die. You noticed my team have no hard carry. you expected me I played bad. GTFO.
FUCK THAT TRASH HERO. How is it balanced having 600 ms 10 fucking minutes into the game, cant even pick qop anymore hero just rapes me
Oh this shit again. It's easy to complain about a hero when you don't even pick counters.
storm spirit. imo best counter, he gives not 1 shit about rupture and can avoid bloodrite in a variety of ways. Destroys bs with magic dmg and can easily kite out a bkb while still doing decent phys dmg. there are a large number of other heroes that counter him, just like every other hero in the game...
edit: @Arnie dont be rediculous, these people don't know what TP's are, nor that lvl 1 rupture does extremely low dmg. to them, rupture is a 12 second stun where the only viable counter is a rant thread.
he is quite imba if played properly
thats why ive been spamming zeus alot in pubs lately
Lol so we got 2 counters so far:
The one that everyone at least 1k mmr should no TP duh
Storm Spirit gee ty.
^---guy above me is spot on.
Im sorry , why is storm a counter?. Doesnt he get damage from rupture while ball lighting? And he got vortex and orchid, maybe later hex. But BS buy bkb and thats it
Chill out dude. That game wasnt lost because blood. I mean he is a reason but its not only his fault. And I see you like to talk shit.
Firstly, Blunt is a much better and experienced player than you. I think you should take advices
And he is right. Techies is for delaying games. Read his comment carefully. He doesnt said that techies is a bad hero ( he spams it too) he just said that it was a bad pick, as you had no chance in late game against them= no need to delay the game= no need for techies.
Nice Invoked build dude. Phase, MoM, Bkb, daedalus/mkb. Normal Skill in a nutshell
everyone talking about bloodseeker while im here waiting for a hope that storm spirit will be nerfed #tinkercounter
Storm takes no damage from rupture while in ball lightning if thats what you were asking. and if seeker rages himself, which they do a lot, he takes that extra 40% dmg even through bkb. which also makes lina a strong pick against him especailly with euls and ags. anyway i dont have lvl 13 yet, but im sure ill see some better counter plays in ranked games and hopefully learn from that.
^-----LMAO. New account spamming BS jesus how do you live with yourself? and 50% of ur games partied up..........
im playing with my roomates? also hes fun to play, why should i give a damn if other people dont think so. isnt that why people play techies?
1) Pick healers/ 5-man pushers.
2) Push towers.
4) Profit.
Really, his silence is meh but other than that he can't do anything against 5 man, especially not when they have constant sustain. But I know it's hard to coordinate your team to do this so good luck.
the problem is not that BS is FOTM the problem is that BS was actually a noobfriendly hero, every scum of this earth was pickin BS/Riki/Husk, and now that BS fitts in perfectly these dudes will keep spammin this shit even more and since he is a snowballin hero which actually doesnt require a high skill cap pubs will be raped by this. Its a totaly diffrent matter if they make lets say Puck or Invoker OP at least u know that u gonna lose to a hero that requires alot of skill and if scrubs spam that hero they will fail miserably, which in the case of bloodseeker its far easy to succed.
Bloodseeker is bullshit and can dive towers so early but....if you have the right lineup he can't do anything vs a 5 man, in a 1v1 scenario he will almost always win, so just make sure you have a TP if you're alone and that you don't all run if he goes on someone. Stand and fight him as he's not that durable and relies on people running.
http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1609835166 shit game, I went 0-3 in like 5 mins cause he kept diving the tower with sand king and would take no damage at all but eventually he just stopped being all that scary when we stuck together.
^---looks more like his team let him down. Plus you had champion end game counter winter wyvern who had the gold to get boss refresher.
I'd be satisfied if bs's first ability cost mana so he actually had to you know be aware of his mana and hp like every other hero in the game.
I'm honestly contemplating quitting this game.
I am so sick of seeing BS in almost every single game. Today right off bat 2 for 2 win or lose its just too annoying and stupid to compete against.
Look Lesh has a higher win rate in VHS spam that and change it up a bit ;)
@lasthitting its just too hard to play lesh. his stun is clearly impossible to land and then there are mana problems, which is 2 spooky for me.
I have recently started a guild of BS abusers, we will strategically space our queue times so that every game of vhs ranked will have exactly 1 bs instalocker. This will hopefully improve the dota 2 community and bring prosperity to the cancer that is solo queue. Kappa. Except there is a real guild, and we're coming for you.
Lol people wants to leave because bs is the new troll, must i remind you how strong was troll in 6.83? Ans how op were tinker ans vois in what 6.82? Bloodseeker isnt as broken as last meta hero, hes just fast. Stun > MS.
Blood seeker was this op last meta its just everyone ignored him untill now........ also less rubber band makes snowball heroes better.
If I had a dollar for every time someone complains about bloodseeker, I'd be rich
Bloodseeker is OP in early stages of the game so just stay with your team early game, pushing towers and such
I actually stopped spamming bs cause of this new trend( i spammed him in 6.83 already with good success before the "buff"). It just doesn´t feel original. Same shit happened to fucking Sniper, i spammed him with MoM Yasha Phase every game, before they buffed Shrapnel and he became OP. So now i only got Winter Wyvern to play :(
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Why is there a bunch of noob players picked bloodseeker. Like, they don't get it. One game recently lost because he went for dagon lvl 5 and shadow blade. Anyone?
Game: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1607576712