General Discussion

General DiscussionVP for TI5 champion?

VP for TI5 champion? in General Discussion

    They are doing surprisingly well.

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      cloud9 will win, i know it


        ^the only thing c9 can win is championship for second place, if it would exist


          ayy y lmao 49% all time good stats


            One or another team from China will win again.


              They would breathe new life into professional Dota 2 (which has been barren since the end of 2013) should they win TI, though I doubt they will actually be able to do it.


                they really got no chance imo. I already talked to a friend a month ago (he is VP fan), and I told him they simply aren't good enough. they can best teams in 1v1 but over 3 or 5 games they just aren't that consistent. and you will have to beat multiple top teams back to back in bo3/bo5 at ti5.

                I've watched them play navi at dreamleague and they barely scrapped by 3/2 in finals (overall 4/4 vs navi that said tournament), and navi ain't exactly a juggernaut at the moment.
                now at seeding @esl they done well in b01 which I knew they would, but watch them struggle as soon as games venture into bo3/5 area. VP only has like 10/15 heroes they successfully use in rotation. people will figure that out.

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                  I would agree with that.
                  Actually it's more of a fun thread, cause VP are objectively... not very strong, although their recent success is quite curious. Unfortunately, teams of the tier to which VP belongs (as well as NaVi btw) have chances close to 0%; the difference in skill level between such teams and f.e. Secret is too high.

                  Bad Intentions

                    Who is their star player?


                      I wouldnt say objectively that they arent strong.
                      They are. G is one of best mid players (mechanically at least)
                      Lil is a beast on support on heroes he likes

                      Others are all also very good. You cant beat best teams in the world with average lineup, no matter how you spin it.


                        EG will win

                        all in on samuel


                          I dont like illidan for some unknown reason but I am a G "God kill the mall" fan since his dota 1 TheRetry and later M5(?) days ;)

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                            Still remember the phase boots solo mid lich raping everyone and getting godlike

                            Low Expectations

                              By far one of the most entertaining teams to watch together with Empire, fighingwise VP is prolly top 3 together with Secret and VG but sometimes their overall strategy is inferior.

                              plz do

                                it seems like that team secret is the only non asian team, who has a chance to win. might be wrong though.
                                Eg and c9 are meh. navi is inconsistent - sometimes brilliant and most times meh. vp and empire are honestly a surprise this year, but probably not more.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Not champion maybe, but they are definitely at least top 8 contender.

                                  Peace Pipe Paradise

                                    VP are very good. The biggest problem with VP is they seem to have a small rotation of strategies that they employ, all very aggressive, that some study would reveal strategies to counter. That is my impression. Compare that to Secret who can throw any strat against any hero seemingly any time and do well. I mean that matchup vs. IG in the seeding bracket of ESL was just out of this world.

                                    If there is any weakness to Secret, it's, IMO, s4 being mid. I feel like he's a great carry player and knows how to farm and evade ganks, but as a mid I feel he has a weak presence in the game and often doesn't gank when he should. I much prefer performances with RTZ mid, who does rotate when appropriate.

                                    Secret seems to play at a level miles above all other teams. The only ones at their level are, IMO, are EG and VG. They have crushing chinese teams down to an art at this point. EG has beat them quite a few times, but EG also seem to make huge mistakes and throw games, so they'll need to tighten things up if they want to win TI.

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                                      rusky never win international


                                        Yes cis dota is very bad. Thats why navi never did well at ti, right?


                                          Empire it really strong atm, idk why no one even hasnt mentioned them :<

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            I've said it before but I would root for c9 if they didn't have envy. Fata is the man.

                                            Not sure who to root for but wouldn't mind EG vs Secret final with EG winning.

                                            Granted universe real pro games I love watching him playing in nel or fpl is just sad looks so uncommitted.

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