General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy doesn't witch doctor have a better win rate

Why doesn't witch doctor have a better win rate in General Discussion

    I try not to pick him so much, but I find in almost any situation he is the perfect support, so he is my go to hero.

    Now looking at the hero win rates, I see cm, lich, warlock, omni and other situational supports all have better win rates, so I am wondering why this is?

    Witch doctor has a pretty powerful multi person stun, healing, decent right click and the most powerful of ults
    His ult isn't easily interruptable either, even if the other team has known counters like a silencer or omni

    Compare this to cm who has a single person freeze, a mana regen (which is nice early game only) and an ult that is very very hard to get going and fully complete. Also she is a lot squishier too.

    Am I just not good enough with the other heroes to see their advantages?

    **Warlock is the only one I kind of understand, because of the push factor, and his huge team fight potential


      He is strong. He is just under-picked because of his underwhelming model. Who want to play-act as an old man when you can be a flashly samurai (i.e. Juggernaut).

      Other than his model, his main issues are as follow:
      - Stun has a awkward animation (i.e. not instant like lion's impale and hex)
      - Stun deals low damage and require crowds to reach its full potential (i.e. more of a counter initiation/initiation spell rather than ganking spell --> This mean he is not a good ganker pre-6.). Do note that a fully-hit stun is actually very devastating.
      - Malefict is hard to land.
      - Ult is only devastating when you managed to land your malefict. Otherwise people can just dis-engage and re-engage.
      - Awkward cast time for your combo --> stun to malefict to ult

      In short, his cast time is his downfall. In that regard, he is actually similar to LC in the sense that LC need to cast blademail/armlet/press the attack prior to blink-duel.

      On the other hand, his heal is really strong and he got decent attack animation/range/damage as well, so that still make him a very viable babysitter, especially for faceless void, as he has good synergy with him.

      Livin' Real Good

        I feel like his model and weak looking walk animation just makes him look tempting to gank, in team fights i love looking at him first, cause i know it's gonna be a nice quick and easy squishy kill, he's also really fun to pick off solo. Most Witch Doctor players have horrible map awareness, and they tend to wander off too far by themselves. Lost countless games cause our Witch Doctor was alone, then turning it into a 4v5.

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          He is kinda unrealiable, his stun is luck based, maledict has a weird time frame, his heal costs to much mana and his Ult is easily interrupted and it hits only one enemy aswell unless you have aghs.

          He is a great number 4 though, if you get the farm for an aghs and something that lets him maximize the ult duration (bkb, glimmer cape, shadow blade) you're unstoppable. He is also a nice pusher thanks to his heal and cask, he clears waves fairly quick and can heal the creeps again.


            His heal manacost is totally manageable if you leave it at lvl 2 though. Other than that, you are right on the spot.

            i love u butt

              His win rate is well above the average curve.

              His biggest weaknesses, would be his low hp and unreliable stun.

              You mainly compare him to cm which is now ridiculously buffed at her jungling ability and ulti burst
              Making farming for key items like glimmer cape, much easier for cm

              Livin' Real Good

                Part of the reason he has a low win rate is that WD's are never smart enough to get BKB if they need it. THEN factor in that lower levels of play never pick supports, so he's forced to solo support and usually doesn't have shit for himself, that could be part of it. At higher level of play, he seems like he's seeing lots of success.

                plz do

                  all his casts need good positioning, knowledge and timing. his ult is ezly countered w extra armor or evasion but is nice vs magic immune units. So he is a situational pick.

                  i love the dagger harakiri wd build. also, no arcanes. pt much better. (although arcanes are 100g cheaper now.. ) just dont waste ur mana on dumb casks.

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