General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you usually do at the end of the game?

What do you usually do at the end of the game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is it normal to talk friendly smack / trashtalk at the end after winning a close fight? comeback? or are you a gentleman about it and just stay quiet or ggwp?



      If the opposing team was trashtalking the whole game, and we make a comeback: I take the moment to hurl trash back.
      If the opposing mid got stomped and they trash talked (to us, or about their team): ezmid
      If it was a super shit game: Stay quiet.
      If it was ACTUALLY a good game: GG/GGWP


        always say ez katka when u had a hard game, thats basics
        *and also when you had an ez game ofc.*


          dota is always EZ....... kappa


            wait till people DC then report them so i don't get 1-starred




                I usually sell all my items y buy six slots mangos only if i win


                  I usually say Gg no matter what , doesn't do me any good to trash talk, I'll likwly never play them again.


                    >Good Game
                    >Good Game
                    >Good Game
                    >Good Game


                      It actually just depends on Enemy team heroes and if I like or dislike playing against that hero, before, within, and after the game.


                        I just say gg wp usually unless they were super super cocky about winning the game and how it was ex etc (and we comeback and win)
                        Then I will mention it somehow

                        Big Daddy C

                          usually just say gg regardless of win or loss but if they are trash talking i usually try my hardest to point out the flaws in their argument...

                          'ez game/lane etc'
                          'sure bro 0/56/0.......'


                            I complain how bad the game was and queue for a new game

                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                              Livin' Real Good

                                If i win: " ggwp "

                                If i lose: don't say anything and just leave in rage cause mostly likely we lost cause of my shit team mates making the game unplayable by 15 mins (score like 2-17 14 mins in) Of course there is always things i could of done better, so don't lecture me, but these people in 3K.. anyways. I am shit at Dota 2, if that's what you want to hear.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  ez game
                                  ez mid
                                  ez ez ez delete dota noobs