General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiant VS Dire offlane.

Radiant VS Dire offlane. in General Discussion

    I really prefer the radiant offlane a lot.

    It's generally harder and less rewarding for their jungler (if they have one) to rotate over. You have the option of pulling the big camp. The structure of the area makes it easier to fight against zoning supports as well as opposed to dire offlane.

    Maybe these seem like tiny things but they make such a big difference in an offlane scenario.


      Radiant has better lanes. This is why it had +1% more winrate. (Earlygame advantage)

      Dire has closer Roshan.
      Their secret shop is a bit closer also. (Lategame advantage)

      I like radiant offlane more also.


        how is their secret shop closer


          "bit closer"

          If you don't see this...


            more than a bit closer actually

            i meant radiant shop is closer to lane while dire shop is closer to fights/mid

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              You can ancient on dire with quelling.

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                You can do ancients from the back on radiant as well.

                Side note I also prefer off laning on radiant but some of that is just more natural feeling to a row up instead of down.

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