General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some math stuff explaining how enrage and fury works/stacks.

I need some math stuff explaining how enrage and fury works/stacks. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Im confused.




        multiply your fury swipes damage increase (15/20/25/30) by the amount that enrage increases it by.

        e.g. if you have lv 4 fury swipes adding 30 damage per stack and you have lv 2 enrage, then it doubles it to 60 per stack.

        Bad Intentions

          Ahh so its not the multiplier but the damage?


            it multiplies the damage rather than the amount of stacks you get per attack, if that's what you were asking. i.e. with lv 2 enrage giving 2x multiplier, you don't get 2 stacks of fury swipes each time you attack someone.

            the difference this makes is that enrage only increases your damage for it's duration. if it increased the number of stacks applied to each attack, then your next attacks without enrage would deal more damage than usual because you have more stacks than usual.

            Bad Intentions

              ^okay so you get more damage if you have enraged swipes earlier? or later? actually im also confused on that part.


                im not sure I understand your question. are you asking whether it's better to enrage at the start of a fight or to enrage when you've already built up stacks


                  if that is your question, then it's better to enrage after you have built up stacks.

                  e.g it's better to attack someone 3 times, enrage then overpower for 6 attacks, than it is to enrage + overpower 6 attacks, then hit 3 more times after enrage has ended.

                  Bad Intentions

                    ^yeah, i need some math on that one please..

                    Miku Plays

                      its better to use enrage defensively, the 4 seconds will ruin their day.


                        simply put, when you multiply bigger numbers, you get bigger increases. doubling an attack at 10 stacks results in 300 extra damage, while doubling the damage of someone who is at 0 stacks only results in 30 extra damage.

                        lets say there are three scenarios, all assume an enemy starts at 0 stacks and you have rank 4 fury swipes (30 damage per stack).

                        1. no enrage, just 9 attacks with fury swipes.
                        30+60+90+120+150+180+210+240+270 = 1500 total damage due to fury swipes

                        2. you enrage, then overpower, attack 6 times. enrage ends, and you attack 3 more times.
                        attack 1 - 30x2 damage
                        attack 2 - 60x2 damage
                        attack 3 - 90x2 damage
                        attack 4 - 120x2 damage
                        attack 5 - 150x2 damage
                        attack 6 - 180x2 damage
                        enrage ends
                        attack 7 - 210 damage
                        attack 8 - 240 damage
                        attack 9 - 270 damage
                        total: 1980 damage

                        3. you attack 3 times, then enrage and attack 6 times during the enrage duration due to overpower
                        attack 1 - 30 damage
                        attack 2 - 60 damage
                        attack 3 - 90 damage
                        attack 4 - 120x2 damage
                        attack 5 - 150x2 damage
                        attack 6 - 180x2 damage
                        attack 7 - 210x2 damage
                        attack 8 - 240x2 damage
                        attack 9 - 270x2 damage
                        enrage ends
                        total: 2520 damage.


                          also enrage is rank 2 because im lazy

                          Bad Intentions

                            ahhh alright so it multiples the stacked damage. i see, its clear now, tnx