General Discussion

General DiscussionMad cause bad tale #14 "KK I feed mid"

Mad cause bad tale #14 "KK I feed mid" in General Discussion

    Picked lycan cause fuck it.

    Got a solid line up I say. Had an Undying problem with a nasty trilane.

    Rasta immedentlly says "gg" and starts yelling at drow from dying in the trilane.

    So I spoke up and started to defend Drow and start chewing out rasta for yelling at our teammate. Told him to grow up and stop acting childish.

    Replies "KK I feed."

    Starts going straight to ancient and buying back. His reasoning behind it was, "So drow and lycan don't win this game."

    Fed so hard that even the enemies felt sad for us, and reported his ass. Drow did us a solid and Abandoned the game for us, so we all can leave.

    Moral of the story, don't chew peole out cause they died to a trilane FB. Don't feed whole game cause someone is defending someone else.


      Glorious exposition comrade, just 1 bad game. This is why we mute people!