General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a position 4 support to join a team

Looking for a position 4 support to join a team in General Discussion

    if you are interested in joining a team with me and some friends please add me


      makes you wonder what makes you think why you're a good 1,2,3 being normal skill :)


        True my skill group isn't the best but how does that show your individual skill


          that could have been ruined by bad teammates in solo


            ^ do you play in SEA?


              No I play in Europe west/east

              Hex Sigma

                i play 4/5 if you want add me


                  if u are posting such threads, add info about your skill level (average mmr of team members), where are you from, modes of communcation (skype or ts or mb smthng else), and preferable servers.
                  lets say im 2k russian player who has no clue of how to speak english, and im looking for a team. i see your thread and add you, but it turns out you are playing on US servers, dont know russian, and are all above 5k mmr and do not need 2k support, obviously.


                    if your matches are in normal skill, you belong in normal skill. do not blame teammates for your skill group. as a fellow normal/occasionally high skill player i assure you your teammates are not the problem


                      ^he's right. you are matched with people who have exactly same mmr/skill as you do (there can be exceptions if you are over 4.5-5k mmr, but this is not the case, i guess).

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Im Best p4 30 min afk farming Jungle wk add me pls 4k mmr