General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy all the hate against techies?

Why all the hate against techies? in General Discussion
Big Daddy C

    He has a 51% winrate this month, which while not being amazing is above slark, gyro, viper, troll etc
    I love playing techies and I regularly win the game for my team, but I have resorted to muting everyone in the game everytime I decide to play him for the amount of flame I get. It seems when we win it's 'pro techies' and when we lose regardless of if I went 17/0 I'm the scapegoat.

    Take this game for an example -

    I go 19/4, I kill their weaver and their bloodseeker 5 times each, I have the most Hero damage by a huge margin on my team (26k vs our carry's 14.5k) I even dragged the game out to nearly an hour for my team to catch up. Who's fault is it we lost? Mine of course.

    It's like this every game.

    If you don't count suicides my K/D/A with the hero would be 17.0+ easily and I have a 56% winrate with the hero despite having teams that don't know how to take the advantage and push when I blow up half the enemy team late game.

    Is it like this in all skill tiers?


      when i queue with friends and get into 3k, i get flamed for picking techies, or even SHOWING techies
      in solo 4k people are usually ok with it and get some late carries, or a pudge/vs/magnus to combo

      Butr yea i always disable help from whole team when i play techies, just mute the nerds if needed

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Pom Pom 🍕

        I did not notice his winrate was this positive lately. He used to have a pretty bad winrate, why suddenly he's a pubwinner? It's very rare to see people actually play techies decently...


          Well ive been seeing alot of techie this week and all bads in my team but when their on the opposing team, oh boy were getting rekt.


            2 Main things

            -its really hard to break high ground with him since you are practically playing 4v5
            -its really hard to break high ground against him because his mines destroy the waves/heroes

            Game takes 5 hours


              Ya honestly if you think getting kills with techies makes you a good techies then your very wrong..... There is nothing I hate more than a techies who has all the kills on the team...... but never has any team fight impact... your team is always playing 4v5. Like getting random kills on the map and extending the game is just pure dogshit... Not to mention if the enemy team has more late game your actually giving them space by not having a strong early push.


                And techies will fuck over your team comp if you don't pick around him

                waku waku

                  techies team fight impact is huge if you don't get focused down


                    I guess it might be people's memories...most of the time he just instills fear in the enemy...then once every now and again he decimates them...he's like a silent killer....goes unnoticed most of the time by both teams.


                      "if you dont count suicides" ROFL.
                      why wouldn't you count in deaths? do you count kills made from those suicides? lol

                      and the answer is rather simple. no one likes playing vs techies, no one likes having him on a team either. hence, hate.


                        I hate it cause one single hero makes the map fuckin mine field and changes the game completely. You just focus on warding and destroying mines whole game instead of playing Dota and i hate that.

                        Big Daddy C

                          why wouldn't I count suicides? they don't give experience or gold to the enemy. would you count it as a kill if a techies suicided on you? ROFL

                          'Ya honestly if you think getting kills with techies makes you a good techies then your very wrong.....'

                          quote me where i said i was a good techies.

                          As for having no team fight impact and 4v5, that's not my playstyle, maybe super early game but once you have core items up I always push with my team, mines melt towers, an aghs remote mine in the middle of a team fight is huge, as are stasis traps well placed before the engagement. even during the middle of a fight they can make or break it.

                          As for killing the enemy and extending the game is pure dogshit your looking at it the wrong way, if you smoked up and got a pickoff with any other hero would you just go back to farming? no you push an objective, how is that extending the game. The example I used where I extended the game was because my team was so far behind I was trying to give them time to catch up.

                          haters gunna hate


                            The thing is the majority of techies are USELESS MORONS who have no impact anywhere so techies players have a bad name :/

                            Which is sad as techies is so much fun..... Sure the draft might need to be abit different or a support might need to solo support...... But I can give vision of what the tunes are and inside the rosh pit late game

                            It's mainly these people I find who say their "great techies players" who are complete and total crap

                            This guy for instance


                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Big Daddy C

                              holy shit that item build 0_o


                                just literally carried 1v9 with techies while muted and they flamed my pick


                                mining in trees is so legit, theres like 30+ high-traffic spots where you can remote where a gem won't see, just try throwing mines you would be surprised where you can hide them

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                Big Daddy C

                                  I noticed your multiple Euls build before when you last commented, how effective is it for you? Personally I build Euls as a situational Item against silences etc

                                  I personally go something like soul ring> mana boots> aghs> octarine core (disassemble boots)> boots of travel.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    I dont think you understand how kda operates.

                                    Mortimer Smith

                                      NORMAL SKILL TECHIES PICKER :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                      LEARN TO PLAY DOTA INSTEAD OF THAT SHIT

                                      Mortimer Smith

                                        I dont think you understand how kda operates.


                                          It's okay, i think hex is a safer choice

                                          I like the movespeed though

                                          Disclaimer, I know my techies winrate kind of blows, it's my go-to pick for scary games when enemy has 6k+ i just hope to feed off the noob allies with my mines

                                          and i hate arcane, once u have the 1000g staff u can abuse soul ring and be fine for mana imo
                                          oh yeah, always buy the 1000g staff before void stone (eul) or point booster (agh), it gives the most benefit to you

                                          edit i hate bloodstone too, sometimes you will have no charges, and paying gold for HP is a total waste on this hero

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          Big Daddy C

                                            lmao 'learn to play dota instead of that shit'

                                            your normal skill aswell and from your name clearly a mid and you have a 48% winrate on invoker, 41% winrate on sf and a 31% winrate on puck gtfo troll

                                            Mortimer Smith

                                              MY FIRST ACCOUNT :DDD

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                BUT I DONT CARE

                                                STILL PICKING TECHIES, U WILL BECAME PRO VERY FAST

                                                Big Daddy C

                                                  'I dont think you understand how kda operates.'

                                                  thanks for derailing my thread. I've already entertained your trolling enough now, fuck off please =]

                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                    omfg roflmaoooo u have 600 games more than me still normal, yeah good way to improve=pick techies confirmed


                                                      Lol someone who is normal skill ripping someone else for being normal skill is just a bit weird


                                                        techies can be used to play as pusher eh?
                                                        dat skill 1 is quite strong (250 dmg to tower)

                                                        Big Daddy C

                                                          I also have a very high skill alt that i never bothered to play enough to caliberate on, i see dota as a game and not as my life so I don't abuse strong heroes, I play whats fun, but whatever.


                                                            What trolling?

                                                            Read this shit again "If you don't count suicides my K/D/A with the hero would be 17.0+ easily"
                                                            If potato had wheels it would be a car.

                                                            Big Daddy C

                                                              ok let me appease you, technically speaking your correct a death is a death is a death therefore affects K/D/A

                                                              my point was the deaths I induce are mainly suicides which are a different type of death that don't give gold or experience

                                                              i'm sure you can understand the difference between dying 10 times and suiciding 10 times

                                                              then again, maybe not..............


                                                                And im sure that doesnt matter jack shit when counting kda. Or else you would have to enlist all the pros and cons that come from kills and deaths. Like how much a kill is worth it, was it a dieback, was it a spree etc etc.

                                                                As well with death, was it a suicide, was it a deny, was it a neutral kill, was it a death outside exp range etc etc.
                                                                It doesnt matter shit when doing simple math, which kda is. Simple math.

                                                                Also saying that only pros from a "suicide" spell spell should count (as in actually taking a kill effectively affecting kda in the process), but not the downside of the spell, which in result kills you (also affecting kda in the process)

                                                                Got it yet? Simple math. No such things as ifs.

                                                                Big Daddy C

                                                                  lol get a life man. I made this thread asking a question and all you've done is pick apart a sentence i made and argue about it. ok you disagree with me, fine, get over it, post something useful or go find another thread to pick apart and not say anything useful in.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    I did post something useful.
                                                                    A smart person would take a note of that, and it took 4 posts for you to comprehand that.

                                                                    And thanks for the concerns about my life.

                                                                    And i did answer your question, but your comprehension skills are severely lacking.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                      Big Daddy C

                                                                        'And i did answer your question, but your comprehension skills are severely lacking.'

                                                                        Well sir let's see who's comprehension is lacking, I asked 2 questions

                                                                        Why all the hate against techies?

                                                                        Is it like this in all skill tiers?

                                                                        You gave the shittest answer here - 'no one likes playing vs techies, no one likes having him on a team either'

                                                                        I thought it would be blindingly obvious from my post that I know clearly nobody wants techies on their team, an example of a useful answer would begin something like this;

                                                                        The reason why people hate techies is because he has a low winrate or people tend to feed with the hero etc etc

                                                                        Do you need me to give you an example of a useful answer to 'Is it like this in all skill tiers?'

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          Ignoreing the trolling and the pointless discussing of KDA.

                                                                          The general build I go for is soul ring -> mana boots (never go tranqs tranqs are useless) -> aggs

                                                                          And then the build diverges abit if your doing well you get a force staff for offensive purposes this can be used to throw a ranged hero with a gem on to a stack of mines or to propel your self into someone for a suicide....

                                                                          If it's going badly get a euls for the normal defensive things euls does

                                                                          ...... I would suggest looking up siractionslacks guide to techies on YouTube it actually has some decent points

                                                                          Big Daddy C

                                                                            @oni, I assume English isn't your first language but I think I grasp what your trying to say.

                                                                            You misunderstand what I have written, I'm not saying suicides shouldn't count in K/D/A I was illustrating the point that I get alot of deaths without dying to the hands of the enemy team ie feeding gold and experience away.

                                                                            In no way did I ever say my K/D/A on the hero was false or the system should be changed. Again I will repeat, my point with that sentence was to illustrate I rarely feed any gold to the enemy.

                                                                            @strategiccheese, that's exactly how I build him usually go octarine after but situationally I go euls or force staff

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              Another thing is like extending that game for your team to catch up? Dude they have a void storm spirt they out late game you guys....... extending the game dosnt help your team in anyway... All your kills would be better on a hero who can do more and actually provide more to a team fight.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                Until I see a pro team pick techies and not lose I will always see him as a trashy pub hero that sucks the fun out of the game


                                                                                  Edit why do i even bother with you rofl. Gl

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  Big Daddy C

                                                                                    Sure all those kills would be better on hero that can team fight better, or carry, or semi carry, that's a no brainer, do you not realise those kills wouldn't have happened if I hadn't picked techies? They are mine kills, I'm not a CM KSing from the hard carry here, those kills where solely created by me. And I assume from your 0 games on techies that you just looked up the top techies player on here for that bit of force staff insight.

                                                                                    @Xan that isnt an answer it's common sense that if people hate techies they 'hate to have him on their team or play against him'

                                                                                    I dont expect an essay, look at some of the posts above you for examples of people not writing essays and bringing a positive contribution to the discussion.

                                                                                    We get it you play meepo every game to grind that MMR, others play the game because games are meant to be fun and we find fun in playing all sorts of heroes including techies.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      But techies makes the game unfun for everyone else your the only one having fun everyone else it just putting up with having a techies.... And ya I have 0 techies games but that's just my dota 2 game info I've played dota for many years basically ever since icefrog starting updating the map.... And techies has always been like this..... He's actually stronger than he's ever been before........ but he's still just a fucking pub hero..... And when I said those kills go better on a different hero I didn't mean you are ksing.. I ment you should play a different fucking hero and then try to get as many kills as you do with techies you will prolly win more get flamed less ect. When I see a 19-1 techies I'm not scared if he has no carry .My supports gets a gem and a necro book 3 and bam all those kills don't mean shit because even with items techies can barly man/teamfight but if I see and offlane or a hard carry with 19 kills its prolly already gg

                                                                                      Big Daddy C

                                                                                        I agree he is just a pub hero, but aren't all of us playing pubs? Nobody was saying he was pro worthy.

                                                                                        Sure I could just play broken hero every game and try get 19 kills but it's unlikely it will happen, with techies in my skill bracket that I play in, it's practically a certainty. I have no problem with my winrate on the hero, my problem was with people instantly moaning and flaming because of a hero pick when in reality I'm usually far better at techies than whatever pick they choose for themselves.

                                                                                        My point being I could play Alchemist or Oracle who have the lowest winrates this month and I'd only get flamed for playing shit, yet picking techies I'm just flamed regardless without any reason regardless of my performance.


                                                                                          Because not only is techies shitty but, its also frustrating to have one on your team and to play against one.... Its frustrating to have one on your team for many reasons most of which I've already listed... So like noone really gives two fucks if your getting random mine kills if they have to play super passive and turtle all game basically playing around the techies is required....... and did I mention 4v5 in any team fight that takes place away from your mines? At least until you get like sheep euls force staff ect and can actually sorta do something when you don't already have mines up in the area already.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            Because he's just goddamn annoying, simple as that. He ended up in both my games tonight and both sucked, one win one loss.


                                                                                            The first game our retard spectre last picked spectre then completely sucked, so it was a gg vs techies. Whoever posted that he forces you to make specific picks is exactly right. Melee carries are out. Gankers are out. Forces you to buy a shit load of wards. ANNOYING. I want to play the heroes I want to play, not the ones techies dictates I must play or lose.


                                                                                            Second game my techies did an amazing job zoning our mirana top. He'd mine up so she couldn't flank me, then suicide her every time off cd. We killed her three times. I had free farm. But 30 minutes later I'm trying to rax at it's 4v5 cus techies can't contribute there. We wiped twice. I'm not saying other team really had a chance to comeback, but holy shit game should've been over 15 mins sooner. Plus I'd trade every win with techies on my team just to never have to see him again on opposing team, he's that bad.

                                                                                            Big Daddy C

                                                                                              I just played a game where the enemy had a pretty hard pushing lineup with dp, axe sf, omni and ogre they had taken all of our outer towers apart from 1, they managed to take our mid tier 3 but the rax where still intact, our hard carry AM was russian and DC'd half the game, our natures prophet just fed treants to their entire lineup, I managed to scrape together enough for my aghs and on their final push mid I triple killed their team with my sign and a bunch of remote mines, went from a 14k exp deficite to a 2k lead, it went from practically impossible to a certain win after that. No other hero could do that from that far behind. Definitely not one of my best games but shows the power of the hero.

                                                                                              <3 techies

                                                                                              Polkadot Piranha

                                                                                                I just hate the way the hero works.

                                                                                                "Does anyone know where techies has been for the past 5 minutes? No? Ok, I guess I just won't go to 30% of the map despite having vision on all their heroes, because I don't have 500+ range on my hero + dewarding."

                                                                                                I generally just try to trust techies on my team and try to play cautiously vs a techies on theirs (or pick something like venomancer against him), but I just hate the way the hero works.

                                                                                                Also, his ult mines deal ridonkulous damage with Aghs. Seriously, the damage output is absurd - 750 damage in a 850 diameter? On a 10 sec CD? Wot?


                                                                                                  I think Techies is Kinda comperable with IO Its Not just that u have to be able to play techies Its also your Team has to Know how to play with techies.

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    Tech players think they are helping by just putting mines but they need to contribute to pushes and teamfights as well.

                                                                                                    i love u butt

                                                                                                      having techies in your team really just means 4v5 for your side during pushes.

                                                                                                      i do like playing techies just that pushes are tough with one short, techies rarely follow up to pressure lanes.
                                                                                                      on the other hand, the lower your mmr, the less likely they will buy detection