General Discussion

General Discussiontop 5 heroes right now

top 5 heroes right now in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Someone made a worst heroes in this meta thread, what are the top 5? And please don't just copy paste

    Omni might have the top win rate this month but I don't really consider him a top 5 hero, just an easy one to make a huge impact on. Same with necro. Both have always had huge win rates.

    My top five would probably be...

    5. Bristleback. I thought about going spirit breaker here but octarine is so powerful on BB, maybe people don't build it enough yet, but it's the top win rate item outside of trolling/gg items like divine rapier and double boots of travel. So easy to keep 7 stacks up with this bad boy. I realize his win rate stinks but try rushing octarine on him then farming up some more items. He gets super strong fast.

    4. Undying. Always a strong hero, new meta favors him more, has already gotten nerfed couple times since patch he's so strong.

    3. Abbadon. Boring pick since his win rate is always extremely high but new earlier push meta and less carries means his skills mean even more to teams now.

    2. Ursa. Pushing 60% win rate is impressive on a hero with obvious weakness. Now his strengths just outshine those weaknesses by a mile.

    1. Bloodseeker. Might become new op fotm. His laning ability is ridiculous, his dmg output so high with his pure dmg nuke. What counters does he have? So freakin' good.

    Dont Care

      TA dude. look at my TA , this is since the new patch.






          Your Templar at Very High Skill is getting carried, so is balanced


            Abaddon is consistently strong over patches. For me, it's always top 1 in any meta.


              Phantom lancer is defenetely one of the stronger heros thois patch

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                1. Shadowfiend I say this because no matter how bad you start you will always get your farm.
                2. Gyro because people this bad can even figure out what to do on this hero and get wins finally.
                3. Undying still strong and still pick/banned 80% to 100% in pro level.
                4. QOP
                5. Bloodseeker about the only hero that goes jungle and you do not cringe.

                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                    lesh, seeker, undying, gyro, kotl no special order, cyka first though

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      QoP, Zeus, bloodseeker, Gyro, Leshrac


                        undying zeus qop spirit breaker pl gyro


                          you can somehow accurately assess how skilled a player is by his response/list in this thread

                          and fuck i forgot lesh :D --->edit brb

                          plz do

                            undying, leshrac, bloodeeker, gyro, and then some maybe's. mb kotl, qop, zeus, spirit breaker.
                            gyro lesh undy def fotm in pro games.

                            milk that tastes like rea...

                              undying lesh qop sf gyro
                              didnt put bs as i have not encountered it that much in my games

                              why kotl? the cd thing from chakra is nice but i haven't seen kotls do that much in my games
                              pro scene isnt really picking it up much either and it isnt doing well when it is


                                Whats so overpowered with zeus? somebody answer me :O
                                I always use it, but i feel like i am using a weak ass god.


                                  ^he fits meta and deals shittons of damage in midgame. nice hero for early pickoffs and 5 man fights.

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    ^-----global ult, de ward for free, and even a Zeus who starts bad seems to finish 30k + hero damage


                                      ^well almost all patches , are suited to zeus but i liked more the 6.83 zeus
                                      6.84 ... now creeps has lower creep gold, now it takes like 12-13 mins to creat a dagger, AND ALSO LESS GOLD from kills
                                      for fuck sakes its getting hard already.

                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        But you can at least get hero kills/assists without leaving lane or spending gold to tp to a fight.

                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                          Even as a support Zeus can have hero damage of a carry. Though when you ult to finish off/help killing a single enemy, you get a lot of extra hero damage hitting the other 4 heroes that won't really do much.
                                          He doesn't need a lot of gold, mostly a soul ring (easy dewarding) and levels. A mobility item like blink or force is nice too, but he at least has long range on his nukes, so it's okay if they come later than used to.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            CK might be on the rise as well. The meta shift away from hard agi carries and farming seems to favor him. His win rate has risen about 4% since 6.84.



                                              No particular order.

                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                Side note is this top 5 heroes in general this meta or just CM picks?

                                                Since only one person said earth spirit or is he just in his own category?

                                                whatever it takes

                                                  storm isn't that op anymore tbh, not after the vision nerf

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    People still complaning about Storm is just mind boggling.




                                                        1. Offlane Riki
                                                        2. Spirit Breaker
                                                        3. Mid/safe lane Bloodcyka
                                                        4. Undying
                                                        5. Leshrekt

                                                        Storm is easily one of the weakest heroes now. That's my list for 4-4.5k MMR.

                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                          ^---casual thought. For heroes you have 10 matches or more against 6.84c your worst win rate is against storm spirit.

                                                          Food for thought. Don't take this as I'm a storm spirit hater.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            ^I don't know, I just can't win with this hero in 6.83c. He is bad vs deathballs & heroes like QoP, Bara, Undying. Most of games I lost vs him were the one we lacked disables or he was just non-factor & got carried by others.

                                                            Mortimer Smith



                                                                I dont understand the crying about bloodseeker, storm is much more broken imo.


                                                                  ^Whole page of Bloodcyka lmao

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    ^---and he is winning 77% of his games in 6.84c with a KDA of 6+


                                                                      That´s only 30 games and its unranked so just luck pretty much

                                                                      Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                        pretty much


                                                                          why bloodsika is OP now ? didnt he get nerfed ?


                                                                            I think it´s mainly cause ganking meta got buffed, bloodseeker excells at ganking in early mid game and snowballing, also the buff to thirst can´t be underestimated.

                                                                            Night 夜


                                                                              Just out the top of my head. Include Storm, QoP, Zeus and WR at will.

                                                                              Edit: Really have no idea what the fuss about BS is. I rarely see him and when I do he still doesn't do much. Spectre gets way more out of this patch than Bloodseeker does, imo.
                                                                              Constant 5manning means that Spectre can more or less safely farm lanes and ult in at will, getting tons of farm and assists/kills.
                                                                              And if they put manpower into shutting you down, their deathball is gonna slow to a halt.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Big Daddy C

                                                                                leshrak, undying, gyro, qop, dark seer.

                                                                                in no particular order

                                                                                special mentions to storm and bloodseeker.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Bloodseeker was buffed heavily this patch. Meta favours snowballing, hes a lane dominator that jungles fast if he needs to and gets kills ridiculously easily.

                                                                                  5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                    ^ disgusting bs picker