General Discussion

General DiscussionFor people who solo queue.

For people who solo queue. in General Discussion
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    Last picking is 4 pussies

      Honest question here I am almost 3800 and and I get this guy on my team????

      How is this guy even in VHS? if not partied....

        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
        King of Low Prio

          that looks like a smurf

            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
            King of Low Prio


              I get a axe in my game who could not even press blink and call. Not even like bad blink calls he literally was just scared to even try. All while screaming on mic how he was carrying the game

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Last picking is 4 pussies

                @kitrak actually I got commended and friend requested after that game nice try though.

                Call me when in your last 15 matches isn't just a bunch of flavor of meta hero picks.

                PS: Teach me your Rubick Kitrack its definitely 5k worthy...


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                    its kinda like when 5ks call out 6ks, happens a lot with US players somehow

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        This thread turned into "Look at how shit my allies were in this game <match ID> " thread.


                          Yeah Sam. Lol look at that garbage carry I had this game :^)

                          mmr scientist

                            I've dropped from 6k to 5k7 in 2 days :D


                              Ya I dropped 400 solo queue since this patch FK

                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                milk that tastes like rea...

                                  ~45% wr this patch compared to 55% total

                                  plz do

                                    ive been losing a lot since 6.84c. Actually both in solo and party q. I dont really know why, but I got on a losing streak on friday (2-5) and saturday (1-8). and i got really toxic losing the will/motivation to turn around games. Also, lately I made the same experience with some really greedy and bad junglers - enchantress, sand king, chen. I guess the frustration came from their play style neglecting their team's needs, because these heros are definitly very potent junglers and teamfighters. I played only once a jungler (bloodseeker) and got flamed hard for picking it, but won :>

                                    sometimes i wonder how valve matches teams. ofc 1st of all mmr - 2nd maybe teammember star rating system - 3rd winrates/favorite positions/kda ?? Like why do you sometimes get matchmade two times in a row w the same player, even though u rated only 1 star and reported him.

                                    and someone said that 4200mmr is like a magical barrier. I must agree.


                                      lmao, why u keep talking bout my storm? you have 30games and only 57% 3kda.. its pathetic
                                      when i had 50games i was at 80%wr with him, i just stoped playing him ftw.
                                      also u say hes a braindead hero when ur top one hero is fuckin TINKER XD aka the only hero everyone in the world can win with. like literally a machine could win with this hero, all you do is spam the same shit over and over without thinking, talkin about braindead heroes huh :))

                                      but hey i should play ezalor and techies, just to be sure random 5k scrubs wont tell i "inflated" my mmr abusing " op heroes "
                                      ^^^^ adorable kitrak, im loving you a little bit more everytime

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        gay nova


                                          ur just jealous

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Solo que is not real dota. It's a convenient way to practice things. The difference between ranked solo que and non-ranked is just that in ranked people start the game attempting to win. They may give up rather early, but they at least start out trying to win. In unranked solo que, there are often people who never intended to win the game.

                                            If you play Team matching, or 5 stack vs 5 stack - those are the best games where everyone truly plays their roles, where there can be a coordinate strategy and real communication. But setting up those games takes time and people don't want to wait to play so most everyone plays solo que games.

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              @kitrak any factual critisim of you and you go back to touting your 5k mmr. I mean you calibrated to get there on a new account spamming tinker/void back when they were a free win broken meta.

                                              And even now in your last 15 games only non flavor of patch hero you played was ember.

                                              You pull up one bad match I had in a game I won where the best player commended and friend requested me after. On top of the fact you can't play Rubick at a 3k level.

                                              I mean seriously I still have $100 paypal that says you can't climb 3k mmr - 5k without spamming 1-2 position heroes every game and if you can prove this legit I'll pay you.

                                              So seriously kitrak prove something or stop talking for a change your not a pro and yes you do have higher mmr than me but that's not relevent to the negative things about you.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              King of Low Prio

                                                solo MM is the only valid indication of a players skill. Pro players get outdrafted out maneuvered and flat out skilled all the time just because pub ranked is less skilled than pro play does not make it any less 'dota' than pro games. It is usually horrible players who suck and try and leech of their skilled friends who consider party ranked competitive.


                                                  Will there be a day when Sampson finally realizes that dota is a team game... I'm thinking no. Solo que is like playground ball. It's for kids at all MMR levels. Some kids are faster, some are taller, some are stronger --- all are children.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    you still get 4 teammates in solo ranked

                                                    plz do

                                                      now i understand volvos solo matchmaking and why im losing. I'm only gettin the fatties and dumb ones in my team on the playground.


                                                        OK, I'm in the potato trench (1375 solo) but I've got to say I love the new patch even though I only play support (p5). I'm 34-16 since the new patch and 12-4 in my last 16 games. Might be the patch, maybe I pulled my head slightly from out of my ass...although I doubt it.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          this patch highly favors supports since their strongest point is the early to mid game


                                                            fever, do you have any other accounts in that kind of trench mmr?


                                                              Not really...I have one other account with about 4 games on it where I was helping friends who just started playing...I say helping...I mean dying less than they did xD


                                                                Havoc add me to get some team rating with your 3900 we ll have only easy wins!


                                                                  @Relentless not sure if you're clueless or what rofl. Solo mmr is an indication of skill up to a certain point. By looking through your profile, you obviously haven't passed the threshold yet.

                                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Solo queue is probably 90% of dota matches, if it's not real dota then I don't get what real dota is.

                                                                      I have hardly played since 6.84, summer time is just too busy for me, but I haven't noticed major differences in win rate. I have noticed a lot of different heroes being used effectively which is quite fun, picks are more varied than ever. But winning at about 50%, or same clip as usual. But I also play drastically lower than the people complaining, 5k might be more punishing.

                                                                      6.84c only 8 games, 5-3
                                                                      6.84b 12 games, 6-6
                                                                      6.84 8 matchs, 5-3
                                                                      Overall 6.84x patches, 16-12


                                                                        Most of the people in the bracket I'm in are actually total dogshit and have the gal to talk to other players. I accept losing and I accept that games go bad but when you have smurfing horseshit saying your the reason you lost as a 0-6 mid razor then that's when i lose it


                                                                          Don't have to be so mean, he only has a 40% winrate in ranked :horse:
                                                                          edit: 38% monthly ranked winrate

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            He just talked all fucking game about how it was my fault that I roamed to make up for his lack of movement from mid, he got outlaned, outfarmed, outplayed, and yet somehow still found the nerve to tell the two supports who were doing everything possible that it was their fault for "feeding" bloodseeker.


                                                                              I've had similar experience in solo ranked too but I can't deny that I played bad too :>
                                                                              Play some clowny shit in normal matchmaking and chill?


                                                                                ^when i play normal i feel retarded, like wasting my time for no purpose.
                                                                                in ranked i at least lose and then want to win the number back
                                                                                btw my solo queue normal is definitly 2k mmr


                                                                                  oh right i should farm sets from charms


                                                                                    oh right they are not tradable


                                                                                      Before this patch I almost went below 6k because of the passive as fook farming meta.
                                                                                      Ever since the patch came out I've been Rolling ~80-90% winrate in solo ranked.
                                                                                      Control the tempo and TILT THOSE AFK FARMERS and you win.
                                                                                      Oh yeah, git gud.

                                                                                      the east wind

                                                                                        keep trying meta heroes until you are consistent enough to get %60 winrate

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                            wuts ur mmr now havoc

                                                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                              LMAO u abandoned ur last party game

                                                                                              i'm 99% sure i'm a horrible influence cuz usually it's me who rages/flames people for being trash, but now the torch has been passed...

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                                u know i can understand most people here complaining, but i will never sympathize with bogi

                                                                                                how does someone with 500 games of slark/brood (and insists on playing safelane carry every game) sit in the low 5k trash bracket while making threads about his "bad teammates" every week? that's absurd.

                                                                                                not to mention you're not the only one who will restrict yourself to playing safelane carry/offlane brood in 90% of your games and then whine when some shitter on your team takes the jungle instead of playing "good support" (not like good support exists below 5500 mmr anyways)

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                  No I had football and told the garbage 3k WK I had to go and he said he needed to farm so I just left.

                                                                                                  Also pick any of the patches I was able to keep about 60% winrate overall but my winrate won't go up because of the massive amount of games I play (2 games = 0.01%)


                                                                                                  The issue is I climbed to about 5.5ish over the last couple of patches then fell playing exactly the same heroes which are supports and don't really have a meta in the same way the other heroes do. The heroes i play are fine just this patch the players seem extra garbage.

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