General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker mid is ridiculous. How to lane against this shit ?

Bloodseeker mid is ridiculous. How to lane against this shit ? in General Discussion

    what solaire said

    getting two in Q before maxing silence is acceptable since it gets 100% uptime at level 2

    Bu yorum düzenlendi

      Max silence early is rather wasted since you wont have much mana and i think you want to skip bottle. Plus theres no team fight at that time.


        what you said... i.e. max thirst first, with the exception of getting two in q instead of one...


          when do you put your first point in your silence?


            bloodseeker can be a late game if you get the right items! thus was a very hard game to win

            Quick maffs

              You cant lane against this hero


              I tried with TA and it didnt work, harass doesnt mean shit and he does more damage than your refraction, i am not kidding he actually does.

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                  basically keep him from the creeps i guess

                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                    Quick maffs

                      "GUYS CAN YOU PLEASE NOT LOSE HP ? THANK YOU "

                      It will surely work

                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                        ✪ Havok

                          Best thing I've seen to counter him is viper. Viper can stand high ground, use Q. This doesn't draw creep aggro allowing you to easily take all farm from BS <3. While i am a noob 2k this is what I've seen to work the most effectively.

                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                            im so bad at artifact

                              The only hero that I've almost always had issues the few times I've been against him as BS was lesh. He can just spam lightning to get lasthits so you wouldn't get much in the way of denies. If you do in for any lasthits or denies, you'll eat the stun plus the 25%+ amp from bloodrage.

                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  He doesn't hit that hard unless your entire team is really low. Also he wins the lane, so what? He still has this problem in the mid game called "TP Scroll".


                                    Heh, at this point I think most people who play him are aware of tps and will much more frequently not go and solo gank.

                                    In fact, probably his biggest problem is still called simply "mid game".

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      You can gank with someone, but most of the time they won't catch up to your speed. Also the guy you gank won't always be alone either.

                                      Guess whos back

                                        I think you made a mistake Zenoth, I'm not 6k MMR huehuehue. GGWP anyway


                                          Eh. I think I mixed up, the 6k mid I played against in solo q was another game against meepo


                                          You were 5.6/7 I think

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          Guess whos back

                                            Yup was 5.7 then I think. Just made it to 5.8 not long ago. And yes bloodseeker is the go to hero right now - win lanes win games

                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                A good Shadow Fiend will make his life difficult in mid lane laning phase


                                                  I don't see SF doing absolutely anything against BS solo.


                                                    i think even viper and sf will hav a hard time against him. any harrass on him is wasted. I was fucked by him as silencer once. silencer.

                                                    storm and od will be raped.

                                                    i think only mb aggressive early items wind and qop can out-cs him?

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      you guys talk like bloosdeeker is some new imba, i rarely see him in my games tho.

                                                      gonna play some bs today mb, if i lose i blame the forum kappa

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        i laned vs him as medusa yesterday, my support did standard "not really zoning him but definitely taking xp" things, resulting in him being lvl 5 when i was lvl 4. With nothing but brown boots and a pms he was hitting for 100+ and running near haste, at one point he almost killed me thru mana shield just by right clicking me

                                                        im so bad at artifact

                                                          You can't really run at lesh at level 6 because you simply won't be at full HP in that lane at any point.

                                                          Not to mention running at a hero with an aoe stun doesn't really work that well to begin with.


                                                            well i got rekt


                                                              ^you went jungle not mid it seems, try the solo 1 vs 1 matchup and see if you counter-rek


                                                                I've been using BS to climb for a few months now (back when he has a 10% PR and 48% WR) and I can confirm since the latest thirst patch hes stronger than ever. I started picking bloodseeker when I had around 3500 MMR I'm now at 4642.

                                                                if every Win/loss was +/-25 then I've climbed over the past 6 months around 1850 MMR, Even my winrate this month is 66% and weekly 78%.

                                                                So hes definitely a strong hero in my book, people just need to know how to play him properly.... I did a jungle BS last game and if you check he vision tab I was constantly buying wards and shit.... since vision is key to winning.

                                                                Personally I prefer him mid or jungle but safelane and offlane can work, I tend to prefer to make space for a harder lategame carry rather than carry the game myself if Im honest... as I feel 1v1 he struggles vs other late game heroes but that just really depends on the picks and farm.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Why do you build maelstrom on him almost every game? For farming or killing?

                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                    I amusingly enough pick Nyx and just spiked for his bloodrite harass and try to deny and harass as best as possible. He tsill manages to out CS me but at 6 I can usully get a kill from their attempt to kill me with ulti and bloodrite.


                                                                      Timberwolf if you're talking to me which I'm guessing you are... I tend to get maelstrom as a 3rd or 4th item because BS tends to have really shit attack speed, plus it helps you farm slightly faster as the game goes into the mid/late game. The procs are always nice especially once upgraded so you have the active.... I tend to just run in bkb, blademail and watch my procs fuck with everybody, Its especially nice if it ends up canceling someones blink. I've even seen someone buy ghost and I end up procing their ally and killing them anyways. :D

                                                                      Its also nice when trying to push racks/towers or in the middle of a teamfight when ive taken a shitload of damage, Being able to quickly kill off some neutral creeps and basically being back to full HP in the fight again running 800+ MS is always nice.

                                                                      Its good for a few other reasons but I'd probably say those are the main points...... again its not like Im some 6k player so take what i say with a pinch of salt, works for me though!.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        It seems fine, you also build treads and s&y so your only other attack speed options are butterfly which is a huge investment for the IAS portion in eaglesong, or AC. Getting a hyperstone first instead of maelstrom might be good, you lose the aoe though.


                                                                          Brewmaster and throw beer in his eyes. Easy mid.


                                                                            Mkb will end everything, since he have good jungling skill, ganking also scary. How about naix and ursa? That jungler also strong




                                                                                BS is really good against SF or tiny.

                                                                                Something like QOP, Storm, Invoker if you get harassed aggressively early game ur kinda fucked as BS. If you get through that well, life's a breeze


                                                                                  I play a lot of bloodseeker and it owns so hard almost every game, I usually pick it to counter slark & weaver pickers (i hate them :D) and my win rate against slark is about 95% since I found bloodseeker is so good of a counter to him.
                                                                                  I also feel dirty when I play him on the laning stage, its just so easy to dominate it and get lvl 6 before your opponent. It's true that he falls off a bit after the 20 minute mark but I've been trying some builds and the best one so far is this;
                                                                                  power treads -> blade mail (so they cant attack you when you ult) -> Sange & Yasha (too good not to buy) -> basher or bkb ( depends on the game I might go for one before the other, but usually I go for basher first as it allows me to cancel tps which is the biggest counter to bs) -> Mkb or basher (mkb if there's an evasion hero) -> Abyssal -> Butterfly/Satanic/Mjollnir/other luxury items for late game. This way he can scale pretty well into the mid-late game, at least it worked for me.

                                                                                  Maybe it was not the best place to post this, but im new on dotabuff so correct me if it was bad.

                                                                                  jotchua fan

                                                                                    pray hes jungle


                                                                                      Right after my post I played against a slark so I picked BS and lost hahaha. What I noticed there is that the enemy team had slark + 4 strenght heroes with lot of control (spirit breaker, centaur, treant and pudge), once they realized I was gonna kill slark anytime i catch him solo, they just grouped up and it was imposible for me to get close to him without getting bursted down, it also didnt help our void was really bad :(


                                                                                        Maybe il become the waga, attacker, dragonfist, devilish of Bloodseeker Kappa.


                                                                                          only if you do a nice guide like the pa one


                                                                                            Na... im sure once I've climbed enough slahser will steal my build and make it mainstream for you all anyways... Kappa.


                                                                                              Waow Danseeker

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                                                                                  You're too slow!!

                                                                                                  Not gonna lie i kinda wanna mod my BS into a sanic lel.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    Then whenever you go into Thirst it must play the Green Hill Zone theme music.


                                                                                                      People in my TS start humming it kek.