General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking froward to great Invo/strom/lina/zeus/tinker players

Looking froward to great Invo/strom/lina/zeus/tinker players in General Discussion

    With Octarine Core those heroes played as cores have stupid potential. Zeus with aghs and OC has a 67 sec cool down on ulti that's not including a refresher. That's three zeus ulties in a little over a minute. But even more so I can't wait to see some great Invo players with the reduced cool down and magic ls. To me that is more exciting to watch than a sniper/troll combo. Also OC on Tiny to reduce the CDs on his combo would be pretty op imo. I think the patch is going to be fun.


      i dont see getting it on tiny or invoker tbh


        imo this item gives incredible advantage to timbersaw in the first place, it looks like it was designed jsut for this hero.


          yeah its not for the cd as much as for the heal tho, you deal sick dmg and heal ez pz


            turnaround gaming


              ye, heal is the most insane part, but cd improvement is cool as well (i mean for timbersaw in particular)
              cz in any teamfight you cast all your spells as often as you can, and 25% less cd literally means 25% more damage, and furthermore you cn slow enemies more often with chakrams.
              it should be nerfed tho. 2gut2be real.

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                the threads are spread so much ;p
                so i was saying idk about lifesteal on timber, does he rly need it?
                im talking about core item, like 1st or 2nd


                  1 million mana also is good


                    TripleSteal that is very true but I feel like they'll just have to remove him from the game period. And the notes do not say that multiple instances of time do not stack. Imagine of a timber with three OCs I think that comes to a 57% cd reduction, Aghs from an alch, upgraded bots and whatever else your heart desires.


                      I dont think octarines stack, just logically. Although everything is possible.

                      @Ampoule Aquatique
                      Ye, timber needs lifesteal from spells. It should be insane since this hero is quite fat and deals tons of magical damage. You basically can't be killed once you purchase this item.
                      And yes, Id say it should be purchased right after boots/bs, or even before bs (although I doubt it would be rly optimal. bs is still best timbersaw's 1st item).

                      yes, mana pool could be a problem, but octarine gives you a lot of it.

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                        i saw many people say that this item is good on tinker
                        why lmao he doesn't have cooldowns


                          ^and also he doesnt need lifesteal cz if some1 attacks him, hes already dead. good tinkers rarely get hit by anyone and dont need fucking lifesteal at all.

                          Quick maffs

                            Yeah this item is awful with tinker.

                            But the new BoTs upgrade its so good with a bounty or a nyx on your team, actually with any ganker.


                              yeah, and you can teleport base to heal so what's the point in lifestealing

                              New BoTs are a good buff to tinker, going bots -> blink -> bots2 and you are basically the god of mobility


                                btw do you see the teleport anim on invis heroes ?
                                i mean if u tp on invi hero, does the opponent see it ? or its invis, im not sure, i think they see it.


                                  ^they dont afair