General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you win Dota 2?

How do you win Dota 2? in General Discussion

    ^ Curse is real or 3k mmr confirmed?


      3k MMR Confirmed.

      Good communcation and awareness wins you games. Unless you have a feeder on your team, then super mega try hard mode must be activated.


        ^ If by good communication you mean muting all my teammates since minute 5 then yeah, we're pretty good at communicating with eachother.

        Das Claw

          The thing about MMR, is you need to play quite a bit over your skill level for an extended period of time to make any difference.

          Your skill gain might only be something like 5% for yourself, but it's in a game with 9 other people. So it'll take LOTS of games for that 5% improvement of 10% of the team to be noticeable.


            ^ TBH Mostly I do but it doesn't help, for example I'd dominate early to mid game with ES but we'd still lose cuz the carry is braindamaged or the team doesn't fight when we have to.

            Das Claw

              No one game will make (or break) your MMR. It's a long-term trend. If you're playing above your MMR, you'll win (slightly in most cases) more games then you lose, which are why "MMR farm heroes" are a thing.


                Holy shit I won curse is not real, Klappa.

                King of Low Prio

                  just play axe

                  Natsuki Subaru

                    Ur hero picks and the way u feed sometimes....


                      for all the pro players here, this guy is 5.5k kappa


                        ^ I'm actually 3k confirmed, Kappa. I dunno how to win anymore. My hero picks are really sexy btw, dunno what your problem is.

                        Natsuki Subaru

                          Clock against sniper, but with a WD, spiritbreaker much better, but u did well as an offlaner in terms of hero damage
                          Troll is good all around but ur tower damage is so low

                          If ur winning already, ignore all I said, ty.


                            Just pick last and counterpick as much as you can. Helps alot! Most times you end up playing a sup, but you will be surprised how much you can do!
                            btw if you play vs troll, WW is kinda autowin pick


                              Again, braindead carries who can't fucking hit barracks when 3 of enemies are dead. Made them the game early game with SK but nothing cuz I'm just an ES, can't carry myself. Fucking trashcans. Oh and Lina was 6.5k and Sniper 6k.

                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                Father Jack from Marketing

                                  Can confirm the amount of shit eating mongliods i am constantly paired with in the solo queue = hidden pool of dribblers


                                    curse is real if its my curse when playing with db ppl, lmao


                                      ^ Lion and DK were your friends and they were shit, Zeus was ok and I could of played better that game but Lion fucked me over too hard to care.


                                        Troll climb is real, 17-18 games left for 6k.


                                          well, tbh i felt like only zeus was playing in that game///


                                            Nvm curse is back again, couldn't pick Troll fast enough and it got picked by 4.8k mmr.