General Discussion

General DiscussionBest competative team from your country?

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Best competative team from your country? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Would be nice to see the best teams of the countries not often seen in Streams
    Since I kind of live in 2 countries I will go with:
    Sweden - NiP
    Poland - Team Alternate


      Greece - Me & megapenis


        Russia - OslikiGaming
        just kiddin', Asus.Polar and Empire


          Sweden - Alliance you fucking shit

          Norway - Fiskestanga (Stanga sometimes) but whenever i watch them they play like shit srsly their 2 new supports play like fucking 3k's



            jus chillen

              moldova - probably some stack of me + some scrubs


                Need a World Cup. Best 5 players from each country forming the teams. Who would win?

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  ^the answer is Batman

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                      Definitely not Not Today, but everyone else is too poor to be able to afford to play together very often...