General Discussion

General Discussionskill/ item build on jug?

skill/ item build on jug? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    I've seen ward maxed first, crit maxed first, and i've seen some players go for early stats. How do you guys normally build jug?

    Also, after MoM, go for an aghs, then..?


      Ive experimented with a lot of items and skill builds. I've always found crits max best (after taking a point each in Q, W and stats) and item progression RoA=>phase=>void stone=>battlefury=>late-game items like butterfly,skadi,abyssal,mjolnir,AC, watevr floats ur boat. Even diffusal manta combo works well. Batlefury I've found however, is a great item, giving him much needed mana regen for omni availability at all times and insane farm rate

      < blank >

        Some patches ago people skilled just Blade Fury and 2x Stats so they got enough mana and they could use Blade Fury and finish them with Omnislash. But now you should build Jugg from beginning as a right clicker, maxing 3rd Skills is the way to go and at least some point in 1. and 2. Skill (1 1 4 1). After MoM go for Manta/S&Y and then Skadi and a Refresher at some point in the game.


          1-1-4 stats until 11 (skilling ult at 6 and 11 ofcourse) then max wards. then stats again.
          I get basilius as fast as possible so I can use wards more frequently. get boots, MoM then basher.
          Afterwards everything is depending on the game. Skadi, AC, Butterfly, Crits.

          Aghanims are fine but usually you're building around your quick auto attack and not your ult.

          If you are building around your ult then do the same until MoM, get blink, aghanims, skadi and refresher

          lmao everybody is normal skill here.

          DO NOT get battlefury. 4.6k for a bit of everything sounds good but it isn't.


            its more of an investment for the future. And even in the late game its relevant. when a six slotted jugg ults in a clustered enemy team, the splash damage is insane. think ember spirit

            Dire Wolf

              Mom, yasha, basher, finish s&y or manta if you need the purge, skadi/abyssal/butterfly.



                I LOVE IT

                and ofc u dont want max critical early.... 2lvl is enough ,3 lvl is the fyyqing same

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                  Nobody likes battlefury jugg? :(




                      bf, aghs and mjollnir are kinda out of date
                      current build is
                      phase-mom-yasha-basher-SnY/Manta-butterfly/mkb/abyssal/skadi/blink (depending on opponents' pick)


                        ^ this




                   still owning with this^^^

                            ( last slot was rapier i droped into their fountain ez mercy)

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