General Discussion

General Discussion3 situations when you shoud never go to jungle hero

3 situations when you shoud never go to jungle hero in General Discussion
Dark Mango

    1) You have Spectre or Meepo or AM or Medusa on safe lane. You have Batraider, NP offlane,
    2) They will clearly make double or triple aggressive lane
    3) They have jungle hero and you can make triple aggressive vs their double lane

    I will not explain you why u should not do that. The players who have enough experience and ranking will understand it.

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      who even goes meepo safe lane? It is mid hero, only one reasonable position for him


        notail wee escalibur all these players play meepo on safelane


          I personally hate most junglers. If enemy goes dual lane u will probably lose lane with most carries. Other heroes who require trilane - Slark, Terrorblade, Alchemist (last 2 v. weak atm). I probably forgot some heroes. It's very easy to use advantage of enemy having jungler imo. Strong dual lane is enough to rape safe lane. Only good junglers atm are Axe, Enigma, Chen, because they can help lanes v. fast. Other are v. greedy & it's super easy to punish it.


            Bloodsika with fast phase boots and bottle can rape very early

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            waku waku

              slark terrorblade and alchemist is a sick trilane


                ^Bloodcyka is a v. greedy jungler & he has nearly 0 impact before lvl 6, he can't do much without it. Enigma, Chen, Axe can have big impact before lvl 6, not to mention they're much more uselful in mid game.


                  I despise jungler in pubs because they afk farm for 10min without ganking when they got rune opportunity and we have a greedy carry that sucks at laning phase (ex: spectre). Especially those rat NP going midas then shadowblade necro and just ending up gettig dusted and dying. I hate those NP. When you have hard carries its all about securing their farm, going jungle is just being too greedy and end up costing you the game.

                  Jungling is fine when you have strong laning heroes.


                    actualy dota is not LOL junglers are realy rarely situational heroes. But to stay 10 min afk is just bad for your team.


                      many bhnters have camped me on woods as ursa and that sucked-.-


                        jungling is relative term. When I jungle Axe, I try to gank safelane or mid at lvl 3, BC+2 skill+passive is more than enough in many cases

                        Dark Mango

                          Why we don't see Axe jungling in professional games then


                            Because hes also good in lanes and in pro games you dont want to extend because it becomes a rat fest i believe. When i jungle axe i try to get all the runes i can, i go 1-1-3 or 2-1-2. If i catch an invis rune its a gank on mid with call.


                              Thanks for this I hope people read it. Also jungling is for you number 4 SUPPORT. Here in the trench I hate it when a LS or Doom tries to be a carry by jungling with midas

                              Dire Wolf

                                I prefer to jungle on troll (used to prefer it on tb and jug too when I played them). It's simple really, jungle is garunteed rate of farm, lane is wildy inconsistent depending on your support there and the enemy lane. At my level no one ganks jungle like ever, maybe once every 15 games I'll have an issue. I know on troll jungle I will finish rosh at 8-9 mins every game where the enemy doesn't gank jungle. In lane? I might only have boots by 8 mins if the lane is being ganked or is a hard lane. Once rosh is down you just push towers like a boss. I don't think it's asking too much of the lanes to just chill for 8 mins if it's a rosh we're talking about.