General Discussion

General DiscussionAM with Diffus Legit or Not?

AM with Diffus Legit or Not? in General Discussion
legendary ball

    Anyone tried that b4 in this patch? I watch w33 play diffus on am but dunno if its gpod or not?


      Not 100% sure how mana burn from diffu interacts with his mana burn anymore, since diffu aint orb nowdays, but its waste imo.
      Unless you super much need purge from diffusal.

      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

        They don't stack so it's pointless

        I'm fairly certain w33 was just trolling at that point (same as buying 3 crystalys when ur raping)


          Stacking crits is legit man.
          I did a sniper build with mom and 4 crits 2 years ago. Still waiting people to realize and start abusing the hell out of it.

          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN


            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              diffusual do not stack with am first spell

              casual gamer

                the active is probably nice on AM, and the agi certainly is, but its a slot taken on a slot starved hero for no real good reason


                  Stacking Crystalys is mathematically worse than getting a full Daedalus. Aside from that, stacking crits is nothing new.


                    am is not legit at all


                      buy diffusal and dont skill mana burn KAppa


                        Get a blink instead.


                          get blink, diffusals and hood, and go for stats only skillbuild. ez.

                          Natural born jungler

                            db can be used to purge some huge skills like omni knight ultimate or sf ultimate

                            Natural born jungler

                              slardar ultimate too since am have very low armor even in lane game


                                rod of atos > diffusal blade.