General Discussion

General Discussionlast Am game

last Am game in General Discussion

    Hey guys
    I just wanted to know what could i have done better to win my last game. I lost 600 mmr in last 2 months since i bought my new pc. I recovered 200 since then. If someone can point out mistakes in my last game i would really appreciate.
    Thanks boys you rock


      Don't give up, that game some had nasty AM 'counters'


        Need more LH and tower sieging. Judging by troll and slark's hero dmg, they did practically nothing that game.
        Click on my profile and watch my am games and remember from the start, tell your support to keep the offlaner away for FREE WIN!


          Last hits are okay, Tower Damage is really low. Your job as AM is to split push and farm in between, so you take down towers until you have BF and Manta
          Also your item build, a bkb is really needed against that lineup, or a HoT instead of Vlad+basher

          You had an advantage, no one on your team pushed and you lost
          Focus a lot on split pushing with AM, afk farming is bad


            ^ lol have you looked at his game?
            how do you split push vs Slark/Nyx and a fed storm?
            edit: and they have global too (probably you would save that for a fight but if am is the only one farming it's worth using it too for killing him).

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              With a little map awareness?

              You talk like his team was losing hard, while they actually were winning
              So he could've pushed at least all T1s easily


                I know if i have to increase mmr i have to carry my team. I requested smoke ganks at 26 min as not even a single smoke gank was done. I was also losing cool till then. I should have gone bkb and skipped vlads but it was too late. I will try to do more tower damage next time. I guess i was outpicked tooa bit.but i am ready to take the blame


                  not really outpicked, AM is strong against silencer, storm and nyx, all you need is a bkb

                  casual gamer

                    u should have much more tower damage, between bfury and manta you should be spending as much time pushing out lanes as is efficient, ideally you're hitting a tower every time your team is 4v5

                    then the insane gold advantage you have + the enemy team having reduced map control leads to an easy win

                    there isn't really an excuse for losing with am if you win early game, you should be able to farm up 750+ gpm and own them

                    Giff me Wingman


                      Normal AM Build = 0% winrate
                      Blunt AM Build = 100% winrate

                      You can only do the hardcarrybuild of d00m when you get babysitting supports. U might wanna try it.