General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM on any hero.

MoM on any hero. in General Discussion

    Linken's rush is anything but "bad" if it's done correctly. It is a great item for Medusa, no matter what lineup you're facing (even if there's nothing to pop Linken's right now, there sooner or later will be that "something"). The other thing, that's if you're too slow at farming it - it will slow you down - what is commonly seen in the pubs.
    MoM is amazing on Medusa, and it should be used to replace that Linken's (or Manta, but I fucking hate Manta) as a starting item. MoM>Skadi is fully legit combat core, and you'll farm it times faster compared to Linken's>Skadi. In the case of going MoM, it's still good to get Linken's if it's needed, but somewhere after Butterfly.
    And if you're going for that crappy Manta - progression is Yasha > FUCKING EVERYTHING > Manta, unless you face really strong silences.
    SnY isn't bad if you aren't going for a long game, but advantages over just Yasha aren't worth it to delay yourself for a whole Ultimate Orb, in my opinion.

    Dire Wolf

      I hate manta too, I'm trying to decided if it's well placed or not. I guess with linkens and manta you are virtually unstunable though. And I love s&y maybe a little irrationally. I just love the move speed and extra hp, like no one is killing you with skadi and s&y unless it's 3v1 or so.

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        Manta itself isn't bad for Medusa, it serves the same purpose as Linken's - some early game stats (Yasha/Perseverance) coupled with a way to set off your Gaze (Dispel/Spellblock). Getting them both is like one of the worst possible things to do with Medusa. And I hate Manta on Medusa.

        Dire Wolf

          why do you say it isn't bad but you hate it in the same breath? So it's good but you hate it still? why?


            I just hate it on Medusa, that's all. I know how and when it can be useful, but I still hate it - personal preference.

            Probably, it has to something to do with Manta + Linken's builds, which are godawful, as well as with rushed full Mantas with illusions weaker than a creep.

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            Dire Wolf

              What about mkb vs daedulus vs butterfly when enemy team doesn't affect decision (no PA, no one with mkbs or butters)? I really like the crits off daedulus for team fighting, yeah the split shots don't crit, but you burn down one target fast while split just is bonus dmg vs whole team. But mkb mini stun is really great too vs all the annoying caster types like storm and qop who are in every game now. And then I'm kinda wondering if butter would be more dps than both of those anyway.

              I typically build phase, mom, skadi, s&y/manta and then mkb or daedulus. But not sure if maybe butter is better. I'll do a scythe if I need lockdown instead but I feel like dmg is a tad low with just mom, skadi, manta.


                Mmm, best progression with MoM in my opinion is Phase>RoA>MoM>Skadi>Bfly>MKB/Rapier>Hex. I don't like Daedalus on Medusa, 'cuz your work isn't to burst down people - there are other heroes for that. Your work is to deal AoE damage (and this is where MKB is more effective) and be able to face enemy carry (which are often have or will have evasion. Plus, mini-stun is good in 1v1). If you want the excessive damage - you just go Rapier.
                Butterfly is a must, in my opinion. You never should skip it, even if all enemy cores have MKBs, stats are still too good to miss. You may want to get damage item (MKB or Rapier, especially Rapier) before Butterfly if your team is behind and you have to deal damage yourself. Even in PA case, usually you can get away without rushing MKB, unless she's snowballing.
                If you're not behind, Butterfly is an item that can finish the game - you won't even need any pure damage items.
                Hex is good on Medusa, and even more so after her Shield was buffed. Even with Linken's, Skadi and Hex, your shield covers only about 90% of your HP against physical damage, without it your EHP are drastically lower than theoretical maximum.

                About Yasha, you want to get it after MoM. If you're going SnY (aka "they don't have silences") then go and finish it, if you're going Manta, then get Skadi and Butterfly first (and MKB if you really need it).

                Dire Wolf

                  So go phase, roa, mom, yasha, skadi?

                  And why is mjollnir on her default build tab? Isn't it garbage on a hero that already has split shot? I don't get why you'd build maelstrom on her ever.


                    Its the disjoint mostly and the fact the when you use gaze your illusions won't die very fast. Oh also sny dosnt give you any INT.. In all honesty I'm not advocating getting linken every game its all situational.... like my last dusa game I didn't make it because they had no op single target stuns. I did make a manta however because of clinks orchid and I even made a mask of madness. I did not rush the mask of madness tho I made drums then manta then MOM the bfly


                      Maelstrom accelerates her farm, and is overally a nice early-game item. Yes, she already has Split Shot, but you can think about that chain lightning as extra AoE damage, when you farm.
                      You can go Phases, RoA, MoM, Mael and even Drums for a solid early-to-mid game presence - just don't go Manta after that - it's like the worst synergy possible.


                        does it matter that your illusions don't die when they deal basically no damage? remember that gif of a lv 25 dusa hitting a lv 1 space cow with manta illusions

                        Quick maffs

                          I go treads midas ( only if free farm ) yasha skadi after this it really doesnt matter

                          The reason i go those items is that with treads aquilas and yasha you kill a creepwave really fast and you are a bit tanky and a bit fast

                          I dont know i just really like getting those items on dusa


                            If you get enough stats then manta illusions can do decent DPS if you go only flat damage items then its pointless I'd say linken skadi bfly over manta most of the time unless you have huge silences or something you need to debuff


                              Is mom viable on tiny I have never seen anyone do it yet, would be some cheap huge as , towers might vanish upon seeing him.


                                mom is viable on any MILF

                                Sup m8

                                  @Filthy nugget I have been something like that as well, with his incredible base damage the attack speed would be awesome and his movespeed would likely hit about 500 with phase/drums.


                                    I guess the question would be mom or aghs first I am thinking mom first due to being cheaper can help u farm the aghs .