General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on my draft?

Thoughts on my draft? in General Discussion
Dagoth Ur

    So I played a match yesterday and we handily won an easy game. However, they were pretty bad and I just wanna see some opinions on the weaknesses of my picks/bans. I was a pretty poor position 3 but I was involved in a ton of kills. So just give me your opinions on my draft so I can get better at it.

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      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        better question wtf is that shit in dire team lol

        Dagoth Ur

          Its 2k mmr bracket, I honestly have no idea.

            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

              your draft isn't terrible but CM + lich as supports mean you can't gank jack shit, they're way too defensive
              if you swapped lich for, idk, WD or lion it would be better looking

              Dagoth Ur

                SlickVickk really liked Lich and I didnt know if I wanted to go for the CM/Jugg safelane yet. I banned Silencer because my game w/ Magnus the same day was derailed by Silencer, and in this 2k MMR bracket when people are looking for an annoying support to just win a lane, they want Silencer. Lich and Magnus is also a combo I wanted to try.

                @sano, Really? I think a WD would've been good as well, ty for suggestion.

                Dire Wolf

                  Defensive draft with jug Magnus and sniper is fine cus all those are late game beasts and other team only had one late game carry. Other teams draft was too specialized. Too heavily gank oriented and needs to snowball to a win which I generally don't like to do in pubs


                    defensive draft is one thing, not having disables is another. the only thing to stop SB / puck was frostbit and that's it, if SB or puck weren't 2k they would probably wreck your team because of the freedom you're giving them. it's like not having stuns vs storm

                    Dagoth Ur

                      How about my bans? Since they first picked supports I just focused on banning gap closing carries to really make Sniper an insane threat.


                        idk why did you ban silencer, doesn't seem worth it
                        storm is fine, PA I also think unnecessary. clock is probably the best offlaner vs sniper. the slark ban is also fine since your team has absolutely no AoE or silences

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Dagoth Ur

                          @sano, Yeah the SB made some dumb charges, but the frostbites from our CM were on point. Puck did get 3 kills on sniper mid but we gifted him lots of kills and made a lot of space for him. We ended up shutting down Puck and forcing them to turtle otherwise if we caught them farming they would be dead, hence the 64 cs on CK. Since Lion was taken by them first, who do you think could replace Lich? And does he really need replacement in this draft considering the Magnus?

                          Also, this is why I banned silencer:


                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Dire Wolf

                            You don't have to explicitly counter puck and sb, aside from sniper your lanes are hard to gank. It's hard to gank a jug with blade fury and Magnus eithe charge to escape. Once you have farm their team is screwed.


                              dire team wtf nice draft xaxaaxax

                              i just prefer more stuns in my team