General Discussion

General Discussionpointless rage, at people (potatos) in 3k ranked.

pointless rage, at people (potatos) in 3k ranked. in General Discussion

    Why would someone insta pick a carry demand safe lane, and then proceed to NOT farm all game. I keep getting these root vegetables in my games, ill be hovering over dusa or troll, ill have my face on safe lane. then they first pick a carry and say "I ll carry give me safe lane".

    I think OK ill go support and make sure this guy gets farm cuz he really seems to want to play carry. when I start harassing the off lane, they seem to think "oh lets dive for a kill (that they never seem to get)" instead of lets hit creeps and get paid. ill stack and ask them to take the wonderful meal I made but 15 minutes later its still just sitting there. At the end of a 50 min game they have like 200 lash hits, because they wanted to fight from minute 6 instead of doing their job and getting items THEN fighting.
    Its not like these people are even that bad at dota, if they were playing viper or centaur instead of a 1 then they way they play would be fine, but they don't pick those heroes they pick troll, tiny and AM then say "I ll carry".

    this is what I expect from my 1k friends when they say "I want to play carry", people should know better by this rank.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Mortimer Smith

      they sux, try to get out from here asap