General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I increase my GPM in Zeus mid?

How can I increase my GPM in Zeus mid? in General Discussion
Thub Dju

    I like to play Zeus in mid but the farm and GPM is always not good enough...
    I usually start the game with tango + taliman, and goes to eul after.

    What do you guys think that can be good to me? =D

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      I don't really play zeus but from what ive seen from professional players I don't know if euls is best choice maybe like force staff/blink/ bloodstone and ofc aghs refresher. But as I say I don't really play zeus so dont take my word on it. And get kills to increase gpm:) farm with q


        as long as you get kills your gpm wont be low


          kill creeps and heroes ?


            6k zeus player

            null arc dag veil sr bs
            stack the hard camp whenever convenient to do so then clear them once you have level 3 arc
            sr/bs allows you to spam spells to farm etc

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              I think you'll get higher gpm if you max arc before passive (you did it the other way around in your last match)

              Thub Dju

                Ty guys, of course, take more kills and creeps will make more GPM.
                I mean about the kind of farm and items build. Probably the way of stacks
                and spam spell should be useful to increase gpm on early game. I wanna try it. =D


                  do you ever get a soul ring after bottle? you get more out of the bottle seeing as you don't generally need the HP regen part of it. obviously it starts you on the way to a bloodstone too. especially if you get arcanes

                  personally i much prefer force staff to euls on him.

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                    i dont know dude! your game list bracket is full of "normal skill". i think you need more practice. i suggest go play offline first and play BOT Match


                      stack creeps

                      let us be clear though. Zeus maximizes his farm most by simply playing it safe and not dying in the earl/mid game. He is a squishy as fuck hero with no escapes. If you want to go aghs first, just don't die and ulti..

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