General Discussion

General DiscussionSkills Bracket

Skills Bracket in General Discussion

    hi guyz , how to get into high and very high skills Bracket??

    bum farto

      Get better! Didn't you already make a thread about this?


        your hidden mmr ( normal games ) shows ur skill bracket.
        normal 0-2.5k
        high 2.5k-3.7k
        very high 3.7k + ( not sure exactly about numbers but its close enough )

        also improving general performance and wining
        will improve ur hidden mmr ( skill bracket)


          In normal, games can be very high skill; but once you go into ranked it can drop down to high skill, at least from what I have seen, I'm guessing more people play ranked at higher skill brackets. To answer your question, git gud.


            ^ u have different brackets on normal and ranked games... if ur normal game mmr ( hidden) is 2k then it will show normal skill
            but if ur ranked solo for some reason is 2.9k mmr game will show high skill

            and if this the situation, and u stack with 4 very high skill people then game will be very high skill but u will feed whole africa

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              ^Fyyq, i guess the divisions are different. I always thought its
              <3200 Normal
              3200-3650 High
              3650+ VH

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                i dont know exactly the numbers :P no bother checking anyways:P