General Discussion

General Discussionneed help (again)

need help (again) in General Discussion

    sorry for spamming dotabuff forums with my useless posts again

    but i'm looking for a gentleman who understands the game somehow and is able to help me to get out of 3.5k trench
    i'm really desperate and i just can't get higher, no matter how hard i try

    i usually play mid (yeah, position with highest impact and even then i can't get higher)

    Infinite Ominous Guarantees

      That just means that you genuinely belong in that bracket. Play with the intention to actually improve your ability to play the game and you will slowly see improvements.


        that probably works for normal people
        not a retarded autist like myself who's trying to get out for 3 months and failing to do so


          well, the attitude "i want to learn and improve" can work much better than "i want higher mmr", particularly in terms of mmr itself.
          watch streams, read guides, analyze your strong and weak points, practice, improve.

          Infinite Ominous Guarantees

            ^ Exactly, you have to remember that mmr isn't just some arbitrary system where you want your number to be higher.


              find the reason why u lose ur games

              and work on it


                well, i completely agree with the fact that i belong in my bracket so i see it in the way that when i get better, i'll get higher rank too; it means the same for me so sorry for confusion

                the problem is, i feel like i hit my skill ceiling and but i refuse this and want to move higher and get better, but i just see some small mistakes (last hitting, overextending, etc.) but i can't tell what is generally wrong with my playstyle and i don't know how to do things right


                  i will try to help you if i can... thing is i took dotabreak to cool off....


                    don't die

                    get kills

                    get farm

                    try to splitpush when enemy dickholding(5maning)

                    if they dont 5 man do pickoffs prettymuch all u can do

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      Ari Arilert