General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy doesn't anyone build Phase Boots on Wraith King?

Why doesn't anyone build Phase Boots on Wraith King? in General Discussion

    The majority of melee carries do and those that don't are heroes like Slardar or Slark with gap closers and high movement.

    I'm surprised noone tries some racecar build with Phase+MoM or something along those lines...


      Treads are too good on him, regardless of racecar or not.

      1- He needs attack speed for his enormous passive crit
      2- he can swap to int to cast his single spell, or to make sure he gets his ultimate off.
      3- If you want to close distant, blink is the way to go.

      Racecar still works with him, but get treads anyway. You can get SY/drums with it if you really want.... but you may as well just get blink, stun them, and smash their faces in.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Nailed it^


          because he is "tank" to absorb admage and he usualy has blink