General Discussion

General Discussionandi mage

andi mage in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Is anti-mage some viable right now? Idk, I feel that if im getting free farm the game is a win 99%. I mean there are trolls and juggs , but usually I outfarm them. Jugg is not even a prob since I get out of ult, come back, abbysal > destroy.
    I find him more useful now, especially with the increase of storm popularity.

    What do you think? Is anti-mage viable? His main role is to be the ultimate farming machine ? We've seen some picks at DAC vs medusa and thing like that, TT beated HR yesterday, Black's AM owned sniper. Though qojqva played great too. Question is, will he come back in the meta? I think he need a buff to his stats and/or Mana Break as is not such a great steroid


      hes okayish but u really need space to farm which team usualy dont make in pubs

      altho if they have poor ganking potential am is usualy free win


        or man up, buy fucking vanguard and vladimirs and outplay the enemy )).


          If the enemies don't have long range disablers or blink-disablers it's quite safe. You can splitpush without fear of doom or axe jumps and just blink in trees + tp if needed.

          Greygrey the Sailor

            tbh not really, the meta right now is big armor, big armor reduction and tons of extra damage.

            Antimage just cant compete against that, he is good against casters but only if they have low armor which currently is never the case in most games right now

            casual gamer

              if you are good enough to win lane with him, he is an ok pick against even blink hexes and stuff with good map awareness. He becomes braindead easy when the enemy team has no long duration stuns/silences and they cant or dont build hexes and orchids

              saving private RTZ

                Yea, at some point I find that the enemy team simply cant kill you


                  In my opinion, antimage is not all that great. Sure, if he gets a ton of farm he can be good, but the same can be said about most hard carries. He's a situational pick, and his ult needs a small buff.

                  saving private RTZ

                    ^ its not about his late game, but how fast you can reach it. Ofc in late game he cant carry that hard, but he is carrying from 30 min when you should have treads, bfury, manta, heart and maybe vlads/basher. So ya, we can say that a lot of carries will probably outcarry him, though mobility is a huge factor. Anyway his power is not really manfighting, he is not spectre/medusa but rather putting pressure on enemy barracks, splitpushing, and come 6 slottedby min 35 and finish game by 40

                    And bout his ult, is fine as it is, it is meant to punish spell casters and high mana pool. As I said I will love icefrog to buff either his stats/mana break ( I want mana break to not be a orb, but that might be OP) to increase his manfighting capacity in ultra late game. or bring his BAT low again

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      His ult is fine as it is., they even made the aoe insanely big a few patches ago (literally bigger than chronosphere). It's just that you need to target it on an int hero like storm, zeus, lina, skywrath mage. It's awful against troll, pa, jugger and other low int heroes though, but if you buff it to be good against even those heroes it would be broken against heroes with good int.


                        he will out farm anyone pretty much... late game he scales really well and counter some heroes really well..... not the "best" late gamer but he can hold his own against most other late game heroes. Someone like spectre or void can out carry but they have a harder time farming. Also hes good against medusa who is one of the hardest carries in the game, although it is by no means a free win against her, it comes down to the supports


                          Anti-mage is not strongest damage dealer probably, but he has great escape and inititation (few, only one hard carry with true blink ability, so low CD), great orb, great passive, great farming speed. Not so strong in terms "what if 6 sloted PA/Void/etc meets 6 sloted AM in the forest", but really strong in real game situations. So I think he was never out of meta with this ablilities combination.


                            When picking AM, few things to look out for: heroes who can kill you solo with/without manta. Heroes with large manapools and spammable spells, strong lane supports in your team, when does the enemy lineup peak, you want to be in the range 25-35 mins, will your team perform well 4v5.

                            casual gamer


                              so smart

                              saving private RTZ

                                this was a thread where i asked for opinions for anti-mage in the current meta, and competitive viability not for tips rofl


                                  Now think for yourself. Troll can probably kill am 1v1, jugger as well if you're stupid or out of position, hihi haha shrapnel, lineups peak at 50 mins as people pick 2 or more cores, noone runs 4 protect 1, storm is picked sometimes but AM is not the only counter.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    "1v1", i dont see scenarios like i randomly meet the enemy carry in jungle now lets be serious, and anyway i WILL 100% avoid a manfight with troll, ofc if he is as farmed as me.

                                    As i said i would like to see mana break not being a orb so i could go smth like treads,battlefury,manta,abbysal,skadi,satanic. Would that make him a super strong damage dealer? or it wont count that much