General Discussion

General DiscussionSilencer op?

Silencer op? in General Discussion
Sup m8

    Do you guys think silencer is OP? He has 54% winrate which is really good and can fill almost any role. Thoughts?


      Nope. Long cooldown for ult and their are chances you can whiff the ultimate.


        ye hes not being picked in pro games/redditors arent whining so he is FINE


          There are a couple of heroes that don't particularly care about being silenced like Wraith King and Sniper that more or less counter him. Plus sniper can pop shrapnel to avoid the disable.


            I don't think he's OP cause there's so many scenarious he doesn't shine at all.
            Just look at Huskar. In right games, he can blush everyone outa the map, does that mean he's OP?

            I do however think a farmed Silencer in the right game can be recognized as pretty owell overPowerED


              the overall winrates means nothing if a hero is op or not

              except when is liek 58-60%

              Sup m8

                I'm starting to play him a lot as a carry, and I'm starting to think he is slightly op. He has practically no direct counters, is very good vs numerous annoying heroes (slark and storm), really good at all stages of the game. Just my 2 cents.

                waku waku

                  he's pretty annoying as a counter, and is harder to stop than most pub carries cause he can just ult twice and half your health and mana is gone, not to mention the silence


                    Yes, I definitely agree Silencer is OP!
                    I'm just spamming it as a main support player in solo MMR in SEA. currently at 5136 and climbing.


                      He's a good semi carry.

                      BKB ruins his rightclick too much for him to be a reliable #1 but as a #2 or #3, he has great snowball potential. The good part about him is he never falls off and if he ever gets an Aghs+Refresh he wins games all on his own.

                      Sup m8

                        @Pengu Nah your meepo wins games on his own :)


                          He's a decent hero but I won't consider him an OP hero. OP heroes for me are the likes of Farmed jug, farmed void and a good Earth spirit player those types of heroes are close to impossible to deal with. Silencer, however, is like a tidehunter/omniknight with ags and refresher it is just so good that it wins games even when your team is behind.

                          Dire Wolf

                            He's not op. Op implies you can first pick him and win games cus the hero is so strong. Silencer is not that at all. A first pick silencer is pretty weak actually.

                            Where he shines is as a counter pick. You pick him like 4th and setup a wombo combo you can really fuck over teams. Like this

                            Look at our team, amazing team fight, but we could never get the initiation off cus silencer would ult as soon as anyone blinked on them. It didn't help that SK was probably the worst fucking SK I've ever played with in terms of getting a good ult off and we started off ahead so I didn't rush bkb (thought I would have space to farm it really fast but that space evaporated instantly).

                            bum farto

                              Silencer is really good but not OP. Similar to a Zeus you can have such massive impact damage wise but suffer in escapes so can be brought down by hard carries and BKB's quite easily.

                              Silencer has been consistently my strongest hero and I still like him played more as a core than a weak support

                              Dire Wolf

                                Support vs core doesn't really matter cus you generally buld aghs + refresher on him either way. You just do not want to get slotted as the ward bitch and waste your gold there, nor do you really want to provide the team mek. He's best probably as a 3 spot, but you can lane support and farm later.

                                Right click carry silencer is kinda dumb. I had a silencer try to go shadowblade -> scythe in one of my recent games and he lost his lane and couldn't come back at all. We won cus I was on troll but his farm wasn't good.


                                  I agree that silencer is a strong hero, but I don't think that dotabuff winrates should be used to judge a hero's strength. Dotabuff winrates look at the entire population, which is majority normal skill bracket. According to dotabuff winrates, Zeus is the best hero in the game with an amazing 57% winrate. Obviously, Zeus is not the best hero in the game.

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    It's not only lack of mobility, but also his squishiness early (1 armour, 17 strength). The agi gain helps to be tankier late game, but early game he still dies too easily. However he's also one of the strongest sololaners (probably my least favourite hero to lane against), but very weak to ganks.

                                    I wish they'd give him like +1 armour, then nerf some of the agi gain they gave him a few patches ago. The model itself is wearing decent amount of armour anyway (even a shield).