General Discussion

General Discussionalright boys

alright boys in General Discussion

    FML, i suck almost as bad at this as you at Dota :D

    King of Low Prio



        and how are ur last ranked games all high mmr? are u high man? too much crack and stolen tv's?


          and this is place where u should type to me

          King of Low Prio

            Go ask Havoc my profile has never been private

            THICC BABY SHUM

              Havoc Badger: used to be low 4k
              Havoc Badger: now like 3.6 i think

              King of Low Prio

                He can look at my profile right now

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  Go ask Havoc my profile has never been private
                  He can look at my profile right now

                  ether way i dont know if u enjoy flaming me or hate Russians
                  but w/e


                    Thanks for the tips F1RE. Luckily, I don't do half of that haha (so there's the other half to remove from my system).

                    It's hard for me to abuse the advantage that I already got. Any tips how to do that as a support? I know one of the things I can do if aggressive warding and encouraging my team mates to gank or farm more of the map to deny farm to the opponent.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    King of Low Prio

                      Telling your teammates to farm more is counter productive since they are prob trying to but suck. Just farm whatever they dont take. Play high impact supports like sky venge orge ect. Do not play cm if you want to rise.


                        Maiden is pretty awesome fuckin hero, if you are master at positioning. I have like 10 games with her on my main and i won all 10 :D She can quickly become Crystal feedin tho, Ogre is a lot more idiot proof.

                        King of Low Prio

                          Cm is a hero hero if playing with equal skilled teammates

                          Low Expectations

                            Seeing butthurt Sampson is always a pleasure


                              Ill give u few advices as a support , first of all when u deward , dont ward there go to another spot , chances enemies will come put a sentry here is high

                              If u have 2 supports and one is enough go put pressure on the mid lane & stack if u have a hero at mid or a carry that can clear them , example : meepo, sven , sf , storm , qop .

                              I know everyone say this but try to keep tp on u , alot of cases u will find some1 getting dived and u can counter it

                              learn to last hit even tho ur support , when a lane is empty and ur farming it have to not miss a single last hit cuz it will be rare for u to find a safe and empty lane to farm , carry woods and ur not jungling farm lane , mid died/going back to base / farming woods , go farm the lane

                              No its not ok if u die for nothing , like dont go ward unsafe spots even if ur team whine about it , ask someone to go with u or keep the ward with u until its safe to ward the spot u want

                              If u have some1 with solo kill potential ward there woods let that slark/storm have the information of when he can go and when he cant from these wards

                              dont get mad at ur carry/ mid / offlane if they fail at something ur flaming wont win u the game trust me, get over it comunicate in a nice way remember ur stuck with them for this game

                              Yesterday wasnt my best day , even tho there r games where i killed mid 4-6 times i still lost , yeah but i got up 50 pts im about 4725 now