General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayer history

Player history in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    On loading screen and on team panel, there should be a button that opens a panel with commentary about given player. Something similar to steam chat but comment max length should be 20-30 letters. Only players on own team can create a comment how they rate a player 4 comments per game or less.

    These way i could avoid poor quality games. After checking players history i would just disconnect and not waste my precious time. Prefer 3-6 games in low prio on bot. Then wasting time with weak players and games i dont enjoy lel.

    Just an idea.

    Jesus Perez Ramirez

      Srsly noone is tired of shit quality games :D?


        nah sometimes same player plays bad, sometimes he plays good, so on a decent player there will be a mix of comments and you will look only for the ones you need (good/bad) in order to commend him/flame him.