obviously dazzle
grave is lower mana cost bigger range to cast lower cooldown(?) and more reliable ?
aoe heal and kind of powerfull slow
and ofc insanely powerfull armor boosting ulti for teamfights
while oracle only disarms 1 oponent kinda bursts some damage with his 3rd spell and imobilizes something but thats so short range thats its unreliable ulti ofc really powerfull if u can make it work properly imo dazzle is much more teamfights based while oracle is more kind of pickoff style
that disarm is pretty strong you can even use it on roshan to kill him in half the time
or go carry oracle and solo kill him to get aegis
Id get oracle over dazzle if laning stage allows so.
Wondering if you can axe someone over oracle ulti like you can with grave.
^you can cull through it. against axe you just have to get the ult off sooner
I think promise > grave because it removes stuns and slows
Also while dazzle has better defensive buffs, oracles strong single target healing helps save whoever you ulted, wheras a graved person dies 6/10 times anyways
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which one of them is better at contributing to teamfights and the game overall, as well as preventing your carry from dying? personally i've used to main dazzle to pick him into all situations where it seemed to be good but i did so for shadow wave rather than grave cause i couldn't land one, and 840 physical damage to every team is fucking massive and can be easily achieved with illusion heroes
now that oracle is out i find him to be much less situational and more overpowered, since the window for use is wider and it's harder for the enemy team to work around it, it's basically a superior version of grave in every way and you only trade a mass heal/nuke for it ,(which you can't always use to it's full potential anyway) weave which you need to time correctly and is pretty difficult to do that in pubs and a slow. also oracle is more capable in 1 vs 1 fights while dazzle can be pretty much dead meat
i think dazzle still is viable but he's even more situational now, what are your thoughts?