General Discussion

General DiscussionAlmost level 13

Almost level 13 in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    How the fuck do you grow a life??????

    #norwegian kid took drugs.

    kvasius # KSVM

      I growed a life once.
      Put a plaster on it, then purify it using hydrogen peroxide and pour some water.
      There was also part with vodka, bandages and fish, but i cant quite remember it.
      Ofc you need a life to grow it.


      @2 the topic:
      2)Less than 1 week
      3)2-3 weeks
      4)1 month +- 1 week

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        1 month to 6k ROFL

        kvasius # KSVM

          Well, if he plays as actively as now (5-7 games in a day), he actually can get it. 1k = 25*40=+40 wins in ranked.
          But he REALLY need to be 6+ k player to do that shit, m8.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            I dont know about the rest, but his Meepo and Storm are REALLY good. If he spams those 2 + maybe some other hero, he may get high mmr soon after calibration.

            me, government hooker

              4k MMR BRO