General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich heroes to level stats on?

Which heroes to level stats on? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Aside from the new jugger 1/1/1 stat build, and obvious anti mage not maxing spell shield, what are some other heroes you usually go +stats on prior to maxing your other skills?

    I usually do on sven and medusa. For sven I like to put only 1 or 2 in storm hammer and I often will go a point in stats before maxing warcay also. I got this idea from zenoth, 75 extra dmg on hammer just doesn't seem that significant when sven hits so hard anyway.

    For medusa she has some crappy base stats, bad hp, bad base dmg. I usually go snake, stats, snake. I often will drop a couple more into stats before maxing mana shield also. Mana shield doesn't scale that well. If fight ends before you are oom it does nothing for you as it doesn't increase dmg absorbed, it only decreases the mana spent absorbing. Going from rank 1 to rank 4 let's you absorb 0.9 more points of dmg per mana.

    Take a level 16 medusa with a 4/4/1/3 build and 4 points in stats vs a 4/4/4/3 build and 1 point in stats. Say she has skadi and aquila (cus that's the only int/hp items I build by 16 usually, I don't rush linkens). That gives you 1329 mana and 1825 if you go 4 stats and 1 shield, and 1264 mana and 1730 hp with 4 shield, 1 stats. With 1 point in shield you can absorb 2126 points of dmg before going oom which would leave you 407 hp left, for 3950 total dmg to kill you. With 4 shield you can absorb 3160 points of dmg before going oom which so so insanely much you will actually die before going oom. At 4325 dmg you will die and have 226 points of mana left.

    This is a super simplistic example with no armor or regen taken into account and also ignore that you want to cast spells and might get drained and there are other ways to deplete mana besides shield, but I think it shows that the efficency of mana shield actually gets so high it does nothing for you until you get more hp. Maybe leaving it at 2 points is the best approach. Adding mana regen items like linkens or scythe makes it even more over the top efficent where you're dying before going oom once again.

    Anyway I might be drawing a totally incorrect conclusion from my math logic but my gut logic tells me 1-2 points is usually fine til like level 20. I rarely die once I have skadi either way and would rather have 6 more agi. I actually wouldn't mind seeing a revamp of dusa where they flip the stats and always absorb 2.5 dmg per mana but the absorption % changes going from 45/50/55/60%. That would make the rank 1 more useful where mana often is the limiting factor and make it well worth maxing later.

    One hero I cannot decide on is lich. Is it worth maxing frost armor or should you go stats first? The slow effects are the same all levels so adding 3 more points is 6 more armor. I tend to think it's definitely worth it if you are casting it on more than one person, so for late game team fights yes. This can almost completely nullify a deso or completely counter shadow fiend's passive for example. But on just you and your partner in lane maybe it's not that needed. Would it be a good idea then to maybe go 1 or 2 stats before maxing it if your team isn't strictly team fighting yet?

    EDIT: I just realized I only added 19 hp and 13 mana for 1 level of stats in my dusa calc when it should've been 38 and 26, which makes case for stats even better imo.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      I think the new PL benefits greatly from stats atm. I'm not totally sold on his charge and maxing dopplewalk.

      4/1/1 can work well no PL.

      The other option is to go treads/soulring/drums/diffusal instead of what a lot of people do and go for a vlads.

      Hard to say.

      Burning build for AM goes 1/1/1 stats until level 8


        if u liked stats so much u shouldnt max the gaze until you are ready to kill people


          prettymuch all agility carries if u go phase boots aquila mom and farm until ur fat enuff

          Dire Wolf

            That's an excellent idea actually! Forgot the slow doesn't change at all, only the dmg amp. Thanks! Incoming 4/4/1/1 build at level 20.


              supp sil stats after 1st level of glaives is legit if u are very behind aswell
              ofc rtz 104 stats storm buid


                try mom spectre with stats

                Dire Wolf

                  No one has an opinion on lich build though? Delaying frost armor for stats?


                    witch doctor can delay healing spell btw
                    am can have 1-1-1-1 skillbuild on ~lvl9


                      ^thats wd that wants to lose :DD


                        for am or jugger its normal, i guess even optimal build 111 stats

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          i saw many AAs going for early +, although personally dislike this idea.

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            new PL's abilities have pretty meh scalings. You don't even need to phantom rush twice with all the slow you do (phantom lance + diffusal and late game optional skadi), ulti chance is already 40% at level 1 with +5 per level (that's nothing), and 5 illus is definitely enough for a long while. He's squishier than before as well since no bonus magic res, so stats are even more useful.

                            Doppelganger on low cd can make you much harder to kill though since there's only 2s offtime from it, but that would require spending 3 extra points you could spend on +6 all stats.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Safelane Gyro can and should (imo) skip Rocket for stats. Trust me on this.


                                Spectre 1 1 4 stats
                                Antimage 1 1 1 stats
                                Jugg 1 1 1 stats
                                Void 1 4 4 stats
                                riki 1 1 4 stats
                                Dusa 4 0 4 stats
                                Terror 1 1 4 stats

                                protip im 2k :)))))

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  Void needs to max Time Walk before Backtrack. Level 1 Time Walk has bad range, it's hard to initiate properly with it.


                                    you should never max that gaze on dusa anyways. it's similar to ember ulti, you just take it once.

                                    and taking stats on sven is w/e. you should max out cleave anyways and farm up.

                                    wk another hero you can get stats early on.


                                      0/4/4/0 terrorblade into stats was legit in 6.81 and if you want to play this hero in 6.83 it still is as legit as it was. sunder is useless and costs too much mana for you to be able to use it in its lvl 1 form, you wont have such mana pool anyway.


                                        lol 114 riki is most retarded shit ever


                                          axe btw, kinda most common. u get battlehunger for 1 point on lvl10, and next time u upgrade this skill cones when u reach lvl 23.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I forgot about TB, I did that on him also.

                                            Skipping snake on medusa is just dumb. It's so great during a team fight and harassing enemies out of lane. It sucks at level 1, is ok at 2 and is downright op at 3 and 4.