General Discussion

General DiscussionI just lost 28 mmr

I just lost 28 mmr in General Discussion

    The thing is that I couldn't even connect.
    has this happened before?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Which server were you on?


        i had this, but after i restarted it got fixed, idk why it happend tho


          eu west
          i restarted dota but it didnt help :s


            Lucky Brian
            it shouldnt be like that, but i guess u cant do anything escept to deal with it. Unfortunatly.


              Have you tried any of the following:
              1) Verify game cache (everyone suggests this, it usually doesn't help, but it's worth a shot)
              2) Make sure all drivers are up-to-date
              3) check your internet connection (including ping, packet loss, possibly jitter, etc)
              4) restart your computer (you've probably already done this, just putting it on the list)
              5) re-install dota 2 completely (a complete fresh install, not just selecting "deleting local content" in the steam.exe UI)
              6) check for problems between dota.exe and network adapter add-ons (dota 2 has been known to have problems with add-ons like "Qualcomm Atheros Killer Network manager")
              7) if possible, try entering a game on a different computer (like a friend's laptop or something) to see if the problem is on your end or on their end

              Greygrey the Sailor

                same thing happened to my friend, he couldnt pick his hero so we lost, sucks that valve likes money rather than quality gaming ;-;



                  well it was once only so these solutions dont really help ^^
                  i think it has to do with the latest patch. i changed some stuff in a file so i could queue games, maybe thats the reason for that bug