General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes this sniper build cause this effect on the game????

Does this sniper build cause this effect on the game???? in General Discussion
Greygrey the Sailor

    Here so the build is this

    Main carry cuz i got free farm ^

    Less farmed cuz I got ganked alot V

    Updated:More examples of the build

    I have recently played this build, I played it three times now (all 4 have been wins) and upon investigation I noticed a weird trend, the exp earned per minue always does this

    And again same effect

    Updated:Exact same result but on radiant this time

    And another example, this is a bit more shaky because we had a gyrocopter who muted all of us and I got killed a ton of times in teamfights

    It always does this weird fluxuating near the end of the game, (in the 4th example it is understandable because we had been shaky all game) has anyone else done this build and does it do the same thing? I want to know if the exp difference is what makes this build powerful. If maybe this could be a build to actually turn sniper into a team fighter rather than a single target glass cannon.

    Well thank you for your time, if you have played a similar, or the same build please screenshot it or post the match ID so I can look it up and add it to the post for back up or contradiction to this.

    Games for reference:
    Game 1:
    Game 2:
    Game 3:
    Game 4:

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        Likely reason for the XP graph to do that would be your team was pushing high ground, got a rax, they bought back and you lost a team fight? You won the game shortly after that hence the swing back.

        Don't think it has anything to do with the build :)


          i dont think u should be playing sniper if u die so many times every time

          Greygrey the Sailor

            @Bantros, both the games our crud was being pushed in, the build only came online when they were pushing high ground against us, then I could solo their entire team easily, i'm guessing that this build doesn't get exp well but once it has it, it cannot be stopped.


            These were both games that my first items were tangos and band of elvenskin, experimental games if you will. But the game worked well even so, the later game (without the mjollnirs) I was countered by literally every one of their heroes which cost me my death a load of times, but eventually (after the fight on our highground) I could easily solo them.

            Greygrey the Sailor

              Updated:Added another game with the same effect, this time in ranked.


                Uhm, I understand that its great for uphill fights but that graph is just a coincidence.

                The thing about uphill is you always have good positioning but doesn't mean you can only have good positioning during uphill... Secondly, the lack of defensive items is stupid lol. You're dependent on your team to hold them off because you don't invest in a blink or bkb so even if you're good in highground, decent enemies would pick you off any moment you leave the base, basically starvation doto.

                A Mjolnir + MoM would achieve a similar effect of 2 Mjolnirs for a much cheaper price...


                  lol isnt that what sniper does

                  sit like a pusy in a distance and shoot enemies that can reach him

                  so u obviously (majority of the time) win the teamfights when enemys try to climb ur highground

                  Greygrey the Sailor

                    Mjollnir + MoM doesn't really have the same effect because
                    "Each Maelstrom in the inventory has an independent chance to proc. If more than 2 proc on one attack, only one chain lightning is released." DotA 2 Gamepedia

                    Also, the uphill thing while playing I saw that with this build, because of the chain lightning, it will disable 2/3rds of the enemy teams blink daggers, the player I am hitting is getting slowed 40% of the time, mini-bashed 35% of the time and bashed 10% of the time (not able to move at all if I build skaadi or raise the attack speed with a mjollnir)

                    They literally cannot get up the highground, either they all come up and rush me, ignoring the rest of my team (which is impossible if we have a tidehunter, axe, beastmaster or a melee hard carry that does more damage) or none of them come up, say they have a slark that pounces to get up the stairs, shadow dances to get up to me and starts attacking, once he does that I have free fire on him, I have a 85% chance to stop his attacking every single attack. Now, if the rest of his team comes up to fight me or anyone else then they are no longer taking the rax/tower and this is really the only situation the build fails in because I have not purchased a shadowblade or blink dagger (even though the last slot can be used for a defensive item like sb,blink,bkb) But even thus, the maelstroms will deal atleast 450 damage to all of the enemy heroes, it will also disable their blinks (wrecking any further initation they have) and I will have already popped all of my shrapnel.

                    At this point they need to be committed to killing my team after they have all been slowed, damaged by shrapnel, damaged by maelstroms and shot by sniper atleast 10 times. This huge effect, rather than making sniper a glass cannon that can take out one hero, gets the damage of an entire team fight and forces the entire enemy team to stop what they are doing simply to get you, to save THE ENTIRE TEAM FROM ONE HERO. So yeah, that is why it is good high ground :P

                    TL;DR = sniper is gud highgrund bcz he has AoE damage nao

                    Yup basically, but this also means that you can take out any support that hasnt gotten you below 250 hp before you have gotten 3 shots into them (Statistically speaking you will *bash them)*, mini bash them, headshot and chain lightning them before you hit them 7 times, excluding the basher)

                    Dire Wolf

                      Try going phase boots and s&y before basher/mkb.

                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        Treads are for getting the attack speed up so that the maelstrom lightning chains are common, S&Y could go before basher but after MKB.

                        Treads=30 Attack speed, 8 agility, 50 movement speed
                        Maelstrom x2=48 damage, 50 attack speed,25% chance and 25% more chance to chain lightning to deal 120 damage to 4
                        MKB= 88 damage, 15 attack speed, 35% chance to break channels and deal 100 extra damage, TRUE STRIKE!!!!
                        Basher=6 strength grants a total of 114 health, .18 health regeneration, 40 damage, 10% chance to bash for 1.4 duration

                        95 attack speed, 8 agility, 6 strength, 180 damage, True strike, Bash, Mini bash 100D, 2x chain lightning 120D,

                        As opposed to
                        Phase boots=50 movement speed, 24 damage, Phase movement speed.
                        Maelstrom x2=48 damage, 50 attack speed,25% chance and 25% more chance to chain lightning to deal 120 damage to 4
                        S&Y=16 Strength, 16 Agility, 16 Damage (32 damage*), 16 Attack speed (32 attack speed*), 16% Movement speed, Maim.

                        88 damage, 66 attack speed, 16 strength, 16 agility, 16% movement speed, Maim, 2x chain lightning 120D

                        Sure this offers better overall stats early. But it delays the items that give the huge damage like the walrus punch of an item that MKB is, and the extra attack speed that Treads offers. For the price of S&Y you have 4/5's of a MKB which means you can never miss and you break channeling spells, (Enigma, witchdoctor, sandking, teleport scrolls, shadow fiend) and you now have a 40% chance to headshot, 35% to mini bash and 25% and 25% to chain lightning. This turns sniper into a bonus damage machine

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          idk, if i went this build, i'd probably play low prio after that no matter if i win or lose.

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            You should try getting more shrapnel early. It's really strong right now with 3 charges, but you seem to always go stats over maxing it.

                            Greygrey the Sailor

                              TBH I go shrapnel 1-2 levels because I need the slow, the team usually needs the extra damage and attack speed from me earlier on so that i can actually get stuff done in the fights, I eventually do max the shrapnel, it is just a matter of what is needed now, a slow or some more tankiness, mana flexibility, damage, attack speed and armor.

                              Oh btw I just played it again 5 for 5, the game doesn't have nearly as much fluxuation (ez win) but its kinda cool.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Wtf, you're theory crafting sniper builds without MoM?

                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                  MoM makes sniper 1hit by just about anything, thats like going stats over untouchable on enchantress, I mean it increases attack speed but at what cost? Also it does work, so far with this build I have 100% winrate.

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                                      You don't need to activate it every time when you see an enemy, only when you're farming and when you are in a safe position in team fight.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        The thing is Nyx doesn't care if you are in a so called "Safe position" One hit and you are dead from him.


                                          The thing is You doesn't care about Nyx if You has One gem. (or sentries)

                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            They also had a gem, actually.


                                              Gem doesn't Stop a dagon.


                                                oh you talking about the dagon building nyx?
                                                btw, i know 1 thing thats stops dagon, it gives you yellow powers and makes you big.


                                                  another one puts you in some sort of transparent light-blue baloon, also works nice against insects.


                                                    albeit a nyx with dagon can make sniper's life shitty before he gets super saiyan or crystal ball powers


                                                      So you're activating MoM when you have no idea if Nyx is invi nearby?

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                      Greygrey the Sailor

                                                        Yup, but you guys realize that this build takes up 5 slots, the last slot can be linkens sphere, bkb, shadow beard.

                                                        Also, The MoM thing, if you are in teamfight and nyx just goes invis and sits outside the fight, runs in when sniper pops mask to increase attack speed so he can actually deal damage. BA BOOM SNIPER HAS BLOWN UP, EVERYTHING PANIC.

                                                        In conclusion, MoM is good against bunches of heroes with no damage, not good against tons of burst damage. Buy what ya want.

                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          instead of 2nd maelstrom you should get shadowblade. DOn't go basher unless your team is way ahead and no chance of losing. Mom or dominator better.


                                                            ........ and thats why you are in Normal Skill

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              The mobility from s&y and phase is a life saver. If you want to reduce deaths try those items.

                                                              Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                @timberwolf, kk next time I do this build I will try the S&Y

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  I'll watch a few of your sniper replays but seriously with mom u will do more bashes and procs than double maelstrom.

                                                                  Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                    kk thank you for the help jacky


                                                                      I think OP spends too much time trying to theorycraft and analyze unimportant stats instead of just playing the game and improving overall game sense

                                                                      Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                        @shawn wick, I share a computer and just spam dota buff forums when I can't be on the one to play doto. ;-;

                                                                        I live a sad life


                                                                          watch pro streams or vods of official matches...they're more useful than theorycrafting imo

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            You can build whatever you want but I found just going up a couple hundred mmr from 3k to 3700 range phase boots became a necessity over treads. People much more likely to focus you. With phase and s&y you can react to gankers coming so quickly and usually escape back to a t2 tower and they'll leave. So you aren't so dependent on wards that way.

                                                                            Also for me the early dmg helps a ton in lane cus sniper's base dmg blows, the first couple waves suck trying to last hit. If you are mid a phase boots is going to get you those kills are you shrapnel spam and chase for one or two hits.