General Discussion

General DiscussionI like me some quickie.

I like me some quickie. in General Discussion

    Oh hey. That was you on drow :)

    Yea we wrecked that team. I got FB and killed courier at the same time then destroyed our lane, but after that the Kunka kept Xing me and I got boated twice...

    def my fastest ranked win.

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      Im losing my next game with the push strat though, only works on retard xD.

      Still fun.


        serious question, who picks lesh on ranked solo


          I first picked randomed lesh twice today

          i do have a 50% winrate with im in ranked. He is actually really good if you know how to play him well. I can play him decently.

          Biggest thing is knowing when you have to go 4/4/0 or 4/0/4 imho.

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            It's just that I hate heroes that rely on others to do anything
            Lesh can't gank by himself unless your mid has a reliable stun (which is usually not the case)




              is probably the best mid laning Leshrac. He stacks with pro players on his stream pretty often. He pretty much dominates the shit out of early and mid game for his team from mid lane every game.

              he streams on twitch often.

              I never see him go lighting storm at all. In fact he doesn't skill it until level 22. But his style is heavily reliant on ultimate which is all about fast movement and positioning, and lesh's E has a cast time and is more of a defensive spell.

              Edit: for more ramblings... i think Leshrac is an amazingly strong hero with great versatility that suffers from being squishy, from his long cast time on his stun, and from the fact that he has so many spells to cast that no mana pool of any hero can sustain it without lots of items. He is this theoretically super strong hero that is held back by imposed limits and ends up being a liability in games.

              I remember i first tried him out has torturer in HON. He wasn't getting much play so they buffed the cast time on his stun and he immediately became ridiculously OP, and they had to revert the buff a bit.

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                ^ gaddamn. Being godly as Lesh, achievement unlock.


                  That dude doesn't seem to play much Ranked solo, given his ranked winrate... anyway, I meant lesh as a support, I assumed you were supp since you had troll and drow


                    oh. I ended up "supporting" in that I was buying wards... but we train wrecked them so hard it didn't matter.

                    As a support lesh, you have to decide if you want to help the team push and aggressively gank enemy roamers or junglers, or you have to decided if you want to team fight and play defensive.

                    edict will net really easy first bloods and kills obviously. catching a jungling doom or axe as early as level 2 is an easy solo kill for a roaming support lesh. With a reliable stun from someone else, landing you stun is doable in roaming ganks.

                    if you want to babysit and team fight, i think lighting storm is better, as it is low mana cost, easily spamable, and the buffs to the spell help set up solo split earth stuns with the slow. That said I don't think lesh is a particularly strong babysitting support, but he can still do well with certain line ups.


                    Lightning StormLightning Storm
                    slow duration increased from 0.5 to 0.75
                    cast range increased from 700 to 800


                    Lightning Storm Lightning Storm now slows its targets by 75% for 0.5 seconds.


                    Lightning Storm Lightning Storm jumps from 4/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7.
                    Lightning Storm damage from 80/145/205/265 to 80/140/200/260.
                    Lightning Storm cooldown reduced from 5.5 to 4.
                    Lightning Storm manacost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 90/100/110/120.

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