General Discussion

General Discussionguide how to win yearbeast 100%

guide how to win yearbeast 100% in General Discussion

    get lvl4 aura, have infinite shrapnel charges (even without beast)

    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

      u won cause u picked all the heroes that do well in this mode where as they have 1. either bad turn pick or all pick rush


        tinker does good

        omni does good
        warlock does extremely good


          jugg and WR arent bad for the mode either.

          bum farto

            Been doing this for ages, you only need a level 3 yearbeast to get the unlimited shrapnel as if it refreshes it removes the charges.

            (seems to not work if it refreshes on 3 charges)


              I only played year beast twice and i dont understand what u mean by 'infinite shrapnel charges (even without beast)'

              Refresher Aura: When an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.

              That requires beast in range?

              Which lvl 4 aura u are referring to?

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                There is a bug where if you refresh shrapnel while having no charges, you get to cast it infinitely.
                They fixed it with refresher, but the refresh from year beast still causes it.