General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo balanced

Meepo balanced in General Discussion

    Agreed @Concede

    BSJ. LGD

      just revert the 35% magic resist back to normal and hes fine, he's too tanky atm

      Sup m8

        Agreed @Dravic


          Meepo op? Lol scrubs so many on this forums bitchin.. Cant counter meepo? Weakest shit out of all


            Remember when people picked Ember Spirit or Earthshaker to counter Meepo?

            Maybe people just don't want free wins and instead want to bitch on the forums.

            Greygrey the Sailor

              ^ yup just counter him if the meepo is bad

              If the meepo is good you are gonna need to focus him in teamfights.


                there's a reason why you see meepo picked frequently in pubs but not in competitive play.

                meepo just wrecks uncoordinated teams i.e. pubs but get severely punished in higher tier games.

                also, the supposed higher tier (mmr) games are predominantly 1 6-7k player paired with 4k players against a similar team.

                the meepo player simply takes advantage of the inadequacy of players with 2k+ MMR disparity and tears the game apart single-handedly.

                tl;dr meepo is OP, only in pubs.


                  tl;dr meepo is not op, and pubs aren't real 5v5 DOTA thus they do not prove anything

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    saying high tier games are (four 4ks + a 6-7k vs four 4ks + a 6-7k vs) is a bit r O F L

                    High tier games are where everyone in the game is above 5,5k+. (just my opinion. Others can mean high tier game is when everyones over 4100)

                    I've only seen meepo once after the introdcution of Winter Wyvern, however I guess I'm just not getting matched with the MEEPWWWNSS


                      Meepo's pretty out of the meta right now. I feel like im playing way better than a month ago yet my MMR a month ago was like 7.5-7.6, now it's 7.3-7.4. Honestly, you cant even say meepo's strong when not countered anymore cus 90% of the time there's at least one hero that can absolutely destroy Meepo. Troll storm axe slark in the hands of a 6k+ are excellent against meepo and it's kinda tiring to pull a win against those heroes. You basically have to play clean from start to the end.

                      Ebola spirit, on the other hand, rofl. What an amazing and disgusting hero, he's literally good against everything and heavily counters anything that counters meepo. So yeah, this meta calls for some ebola. I mean his ult actually fucking looks like he's spreading cancer.


                        "I mean his ult actually fucking looks like he's spreading cancer. "



                          Sorry but how is storm that good against meepo? Unless storm is totally out of control by the time he gets Orchid meepo will already have aghs and with the bonus resistance he's pretty tanky. Furthermore if you try to burst 1 meepo the other 4 will poof in your face for like 600 damage or something. Also when meepo gets a hex storm is doomed unless he has linkens

                          the realm's delight

                            i actually hate playing vs storm as meepo. i never thought of him as a counter but hes just annoying cause he can zip when earthbound

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              That Angel meepo player guy is just a spic, go figure why he cant get 6k.


                                6-7k storms will tear apart my 4ks before i can become relevant and acquire infinite BS charges and zip to kill me from half a map away.


                                  Oh ok so when you say storm is a counter you don't mean a direct counter to you. With that I can agree completely.


                                    He's almost a direct counter too. I wont tell u the specifics but he does well against meepo if meepo's team is retarded (which is always the case)